Null reference errors are a common problem in C# and other object-oriented programming languages. They occur when you try to access a member (like a property or method) of a variable that is currently holding a null value.
Imagine you have a box labeled "Car" that is supposed to hold a car object. If the box is empty (meaning it's null), you can't try to start the engine or check the car's color. You'll get a null reference error.
In C#, null reference errors are thrown as a 'NullReferenceException'. This exception provides a clear indication that you're trying to work with an object that doesn't exist yet.
Let's look at a simple example:
class Car { public string Model { get; set; } public string Color { get; set; } } public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Car myCar = null; Console.WriteLine(myCar.Model); // NullReferenceException thrown here! } }
In this case, 'myCar' is declared but assigned a null value. Trying to access 'myCar.Model' will result in a null reference error.
In the next part, we'll explore various techniques for identifying and resolving null reference errors in your C# code. Stay tuned!