Coderz FAQ

Frequently asked questions

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How do I get started buying and selling code on the marketplace?
In order to buy and sell code on the marketplace all you need to do is make an account with Coderz. From there, in order to buy a product just browse through the marketplace to find a product you want and then when you find a product you like, click add to cart and then checkout. In order to list a repository to manage and sell, you need to click "create" in the dropdown menu when you click on your user icon in the navigation bar. Follow the instructions on the "add product" page.

What kind of repositories can I sell?
You can sell anything from websites to apps to games. The possibilities are endless.

How much do I get to keep on my sales in the marketplace?
You get to keep 90% of your sales.

How many products can I list on the marketplace?
It depends what tier you are subscribed to. Our free tier allows for 10 products posted.

How do I get paid in the marketplace?
Go to the "Get Paid" section in the dropdown menu when you click on your user icon in the navigation bar and click the button to withdraw via Stripe.