GitHub Desktop tutorial repository
This is a 2d Platformer Game made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
CSS resets help enforce style consistency across different browsers with a clean slate for styling...
Awesome Lists
Package to debug everything in PHP
Simple searching of all the Eloquent models in your project
Composer assets cache plugin
0x01autocertdnsaliyun 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
0x01letsencrypt 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Calculate geodistance between two points, latitude and longitude
A 2D Platformer Godot template to make your own platformer games. It has tilesets options and animations for the...
Game engine
Pixel Art
30-Days-Of-Python provides a 30-day challenge for learning Python. The challenge is designed to take learners from the basics to advanced concepts...
A gem that helps migration between timezone changes when they happen in the tzdata/zoneinfo/Olson database.
aaesistatus 2.3.0 AA ESI Status
albucore 0.0.16 Albucore Albucore is a high-performance image processing library designed to optimize operations on images...
Filter emails registering your Flarum site with whitelist, blacklist and even regular expressions.
animated search Animated Search For Flutter App # The AnimatedSearch widget is a customizable animated search...
apivervemortgagecalculator 1.1.4 Mortgage Calculator API Mortgage Calculator is a simple tool for calculating mortgage payments. It...
apiververandomidentity 1.0.11 Random Identity API Random Identity is a simple tool for generating random identities. It...
arcore flutter plugin I'm working to a new sceneview_flutter plugin to implement all features available in sceneview.
atm 0.2.2 An open source project from Data to AI Lab at MIT. ATM...
Avatarify Python is a repository that features an advanced real-time face avatar generation system. It uses deep learning models to...
aws polly Flutter AWS Polly Plugin # This plugin is a Flutter wrapper for AWS Polly...
bakapi 0.3 Bakaláři API v3 client Baka(láři) API ------ Bakapi ...
blrec 1.15.0 Bilibili Live Streaming Recorder (blrec) 这是一个前后端分离的 B 站直播录制工具。前端使用了响应式设计,可适应不同的屏幕尺寸;后端是用 Python 写的,可以跨平台运行。 这个工具是自动化的,会自动完成直播的录制, 在出现未处理异常时会发送通知,空间不足能够自动回收空间,还有详细日志记录,因此可以长期无人值守运行在服务器上。...
Here you will find functions for working with bmp files
carousel slider carousel_slider # A carousel slider widget. Features # Infinite scroll
You can check Links, Meta tags, Robot tags, Image ALt texts and Keyword Analyse.
Chrome extension
This is a city skyline made with CSS and HTML.
This is a portfolio website built with Tailwind CSS and HTML.
DeGourou 1.3.9 DeGourou (DeDRM + libgourou) Automate the process of getting decrypted ebook from InternetArchive without...
djangobkashintegration 0.3 Bkash Django Integration app is to integrate Bkash Api to Django Backend. With Minimal setup...
dlinferascend 0.1.0.post1 介绍 dlinfer提供了一套将国产硬件接入大模型推理框架的解决方案。 对上承接大模型推理框架,对下在eager模式下调用各厂商的融合算子,在graph模式下调用厂商的图引擎。 在dlinfer中,我们根据主流大模型推理框架与主流硬件厂商的融合算子粒度,定义了大模型推理的融合算子接口。 这套融合算子接口主要功能: 将对接框架与对接厂商融合算子在适配工程中有效解耦; 同时支持算子模式和图模式;
The main goal of the esbuild bundler project is to bring about a new era of build tool performance, and...
esim installer flutter eSim Installer Flutter Plugin # The esim_installer_flutter plugin provides a Flutter interface to...
PHP controller library.
PHP currency library.
firebase auth utility Introduction # This package Firebase_Auth_Utility simplifies the process of implementing user authentication, including...
flutter esim Flutter eSIM Plugin # ...
flutter netcore smartech Flutter Netcore Smartech # A Flutter Plugin to Use Netcore Smartech.
Freedom to build what you want FreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design...
fvp FVP # A plugin for official Flutter Video Player to support all desktop and mobile...
get it ❤️ Sponsor get_it # Check out my new package watch_it the...
google fonts google_fonts # A Flutter package to use fonts from fonts.google.com.
gradientcentralizationtf 0.0.3 Gradient Centralization TensorFlow
hiddenlayer 0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hiddenlayersdk 0.1.2 HiddenLayer SDK Python (Beta) Hiddenlayer is a Python SDK that provides a simple and...
Marketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing AppMarketing...
Code quality
Code review
A small game mastermind made on arduino. Works with the help of 4 blue and 4 red LEDs, display and...
menu drawer Flutter menu drawer # A Flutter package with custom implementation of Menu...
MopidySoundCloud 3.0.2 Mopidy extension for playing music from SoundCloud. Maintainer wanted Mopidy-SoundCloud...
This is a simple music player made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
nfc host card emulation nfc_host_card_emulation # The Flutter plugin implementing Host Card Emulation (HCE) with the...
Online News Portal Using JavaScript A dynamic web application for displaying and managing news articles. Features include fetching news...
You've decided to build a SaaS app with the Open SaaS template. Great choice!
This template is:
This is a palindrome checker I made for freeCodeCamp.
a wrapper for FidelyNET loyalty service API
pyaaf2 1.7.1 pyaaf2 A python module for reading and writing Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) files....
pycatj 0.5.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Python Koans is a collection of exercises aimed at teaching Python programming through a series of tests that are initially...
soundcloud explode dart SoundcloudExplodeDart # SoundcloudExplodeDart utilises SoundCloud's internal V2 API to scrape metadata about users,...
streamlitpasswordless 0.7.0 streamlit-passwordless provides a user model for Streamlit applications based on the Bitwarden passwordless technology....
tdhtwitchutils 1.7.2 Python utils for Twitch pip3 install tdh-twitch-utils[all] This module supports partial...
Top Down Shooter on Godot Template
A robust foundation for your next top-down shooter project.
This Godot 4 and 3...
twitchgamenotify 0.3.4 twitch-game-notify This is a Twitch notifier which notifies you when your favourite steamers...
twitchwatcher 0.0.1 A tiny wrapper to launch livestreamer made specificly for twitch streams
Type Fest
unofficial twitch auth This package allows to validate, revoke or authenticate your client using the newest Twitch...
unofficial twitch open api 📦 unofficial_twitch_open_api # This package allows to retrieve all the data by...
Python Views Bot
Bot video views farmer.
A versatile Python script designed to automate video view interactions on various platforms....
webdrivermanager 4.0.2 Webdriver Manager for Python Because of...