pythonshujufenxiyuwajueshizhandaizhushiyuanma 2024.3.4.0 Python 数据分析与挖掘实战 带注释源码 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/python-shujufenxi-yu-wajue-shizhan-dai-zhushi-yuanma docker run -tid...
pythonserverlesscrud 1.4.1 python-serverless-crud The idea Simple and powerful tool for quick serverless data management via...
pythonqpidprotonwheel 0.39.0 This module provides a Python binding to the Proton AMQP messaging toolkit. Qpid Proton...
pythonqpidproton 0.39.0 This module provides a Python binding to the Proton AMQP messaging toolkit. Qpid Proton...
pythonpypimirror 5.2.1 pypi-mirror is a small script to generate a partial PyPI mirror. It relies on...
pythonsearchlightclient 2.1.1 Team and repository tags python-searchlightclient OpenStack Indexing...
pythonpolarcoding 0.0.1 Python-polar-coding A package for Polar codes simulation. Installation pip install python-polar-coding...
pythonpayfast 0.6.1 python-payfast A very opinionated Python client library for the PayFast API. Warning: This...
pythonpartial 0.0.4 Python partial. Installation You can install from pypi pip install -U python-partial
pythonparsekit 1.2.2 python-parsekit A parser combinator for Python
pythonmuranoclient 2.8.0 Murano Murano Project introduces an application catalog, which allows application developers...
pythonmultipart 0.0.9 python-multipart is an Apache2 licensed streaming multipart parser for Python. Test coverage is currently...
pythonopenhablogsaver 1.0.0 Python openHAB LogSaver Save openhab logs into a MariaDB database. You can simply rewrite...
pythonmong0 4.2.0 Info: See the mongo site for more information. See GitHub for the latest source.
pythonmonascaclient 2.8.0 Python bindings to the Monasca API This is a client library for...
pythonmoa 0.5.1 Mathematics of Arrays (MOA) MOA is a mathematically rigorous approach to dealing with arrays...
pythonmistralclient 5.2.0 Mistral Mistral is a workflow service. Most business processes consist of multiple
pythonoctaviaclient 3.7.0 Team and repository tags python-octaviaclient Octavia client...
pythonmediator 0.7.0 python-mediator Elastic...
pythonmecabner 1.0.8 mecab_ner Table of Contents Features Installation Quick start...
pythonmecabkor 1.2.8 python-mecab-kor 1. Why another package? python-mecab-ko is great package...
pythonmecabko 1.3.7 python-mecab-ko A python binding for mecab-ko Help See documentation for more details.
pythonnovaclient 18.6.0 Team and repository tags Python bindings to the...
pythonnotionexporter 1.0.6 NotionExporter Description NotionExporter is a Python class designed to simplify the process of...
pythonnotification 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pythonnosqllogger 1.1.6 python-nosql-logger Installation steps if using MongoDB pip install pymongo #"pymongo[srv]" or "pymongo[aws]"...
pythonmask Python integer mask code. Installation You can install from pypi pip install...
pythonlemming 0.7.0 Lemming
pythonheatclient 4.0.0 Team and repository tags ...
pythonhashtools 0.0.2 Python hash tools. Installation You can install from pypi pip install -U...
pythonkakaobot 0.0.2 Super simple framework for Kakaotalk auto-reply bot based on aiohttp Example...
pythonjsonlogic 0.1.0 python-jsonlogic is an extensible and sane implementation of JsonLogic, making use of the JSON Schema...
pythongraphblas 2024.2.0 Python library for GraphBLAS: high-performance sparse linear algebra for scalable graph analytics. For algorithms,...
pythonjiqixuexizaixianzhinan 2024.3.5.0 Python 机器学习在线指南 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/python-jiqi-xuexi-zaixian-zhinan docker run -tid -p...
pythonjengaapi 2.0.1 JengaAPIPythonWrapper A simple python wrapper around the JengaAPI from Equity Bank Setup...
pythoniterutils Python another itertools. Installation You can install from pypi pip install -U...
pythoniso639 2024.4.27 python-iso639 python-iso639 is a Python package...
pythonironicinspectorclient 5.2.0 Overview This is a client library and tool for Ironic Inspector. ...
pythonironicclient 5.8.0 Team and repository tags ...
pythoninjection 0.10.4 python-injection Fast and easy dependency injection framework....
pythonigraph 0.11.6 Python interface to the igraph high performance graph library, primarily aimed at complex network...
pythonfreezerclient 5.2.0 Team and repository tags Python bindings to the...
pythonicdbm 0.6.0 Pydbm Pydbm is a more pythonic way to use dbm. It...
pythonfluentlogformatter 1.0.0 python-fluent-log-formatter A Python log formatter for use with fluent-logger-python. Formats datetime objects into...
pythonfilewrap 0.1.4 Python file wrappers. Installation You can install from pypi pip install -U...
pythonfilestorage 0.3.0 python-file-storage A Python package that exposes a consistent API for working with different...
pythonfieldclimate 1.3 python-fieldclimate A client for the iMetos FieldClimate API: To use this, you’ll...
pythonfenbushijisuan 2024.3.4.0 Python 分布式计算 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/python-fenbushijisuan docker run -tid -p...
pythonfaytheclient 0.0.15 Faythe Python Client This is a client library for Faythe built on...
pythonfacebookapi 0.20.0 A Python wrapper for the Facebook & Instagram Graph APIs. ...
pythonepub3 python-epub3 An awsome epub3 library. ...
pythoneventemitter 1.0.13 python-eventemitter A Python port of Node.js EventEmitter that supports both synchronous and...
pythonesileapclient 0.3.0 python-esileapclient Python API for interacting with ESI-Leap Overview This is a client...
pythonesiclient 0.2.7 python-esiclient python-esiclient extends the OpenStack CLI to provide simplified user workflows, encapsulating multiple OpenStack...
pythonconcurrenttools Python concurrent tools. Installation You can install from pypi pip install -U...
pythondupan 百度网盘 Web API 的 Python 封装 ...
pythoncloudkittyclient 5.2.0 This is a client for CloudKitty. It provides a Python api (the cloudkittyclient module),...
pythonclick 0.1.4 Интеграция сервиса онлайн оплаты CLICK SHOP API и Merchant API через фреймворк Django в Python
pythoncicdsample 0.1.11 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pythonchronos 0.2.0 Chronos Simple and easy to use time-related utility functions. These are simple routines...
pythondictattr 0.0.1 Python dictattr. Installation You can install from pypi pip install -U python-dictattr
pythondi 1.1.1 python-di Fully...
pythondevcli 1.1.0 Python Developer CLI Python...
pythondesignateclient 6.0.1 OpenStack DNS-as-a-Service - Client
pythondatamodel 0.6.28 DataModel DataModel is a simple library based on python +3.8 to use Dataclass-syntax for...
pythonbsonjs 0.4.0 Info: See github for the latest source. Author: Shane Harvey...
pythonbrickcinderclientext 2.4.0 python-cinderclient extension for local storage management
pythoncyborgclient 2.4.0 Team and repository tags python-cyborgclient ...
pythonautojob 0.12.0b1 autojob is a (semi-)automatic framework for DFT job automation on massively parallel computing resources....
pythaidate 0.2.0 pythaidate: Thai Calendar Systems for Python Thailand has used several...
pytgcalls 2.0.2 A simple and elegant client that allows you to make group voice calls quickly and...
pytgcalls 2.1.0 Voice chats, private incoming and outgoing calls in Telegram for Developers
pythonactivedirectory 2.0.1 This is Python-AD, an Active Directory client library for Python on UNIX/Linux systems. Note...
pythonabspath 0.1.1 python-abspath python-abspath provides a command line tool that prints the absolute paths of all...
python3samldjango 1.3.0 Django SAML Toolkit Quickly and easily add SAML Single Sign-On to your Django projects.
pytestworkflow 2.1.0 pytest-workflow is a workflow-system agnostic testing framework that aims to make pipeline/workflow testing easy...
pytestvscodedebug 0.1.0 A pytest plugin to easily enable debugging tests within Visual Studio Code. ...
pytestunflakable 0.2.0 Unflakable Plugin for PyTest This Unflakable plugin enables users of the PyTest Python test...
pytesttestdox 3.1.0 pytest-testdox A TestDox format reporter for pytest....
pytesttape 0.1.0 Easy assertion with expected results saved to yaml files. Features