pyPublicDecompWT pyPublicDecompWT This package provides python bindings for some...
pyprocessorssimilar segments 0.5.37 Requirements Python 3.8+ Flit to put Python packages and modules...
pyprocessorsdeepl 0.5.84 Requirements Python 3.8+ Flit to put Python packages and modules on...
pyprobs 1.0.2 What is PyProbs? PyProbs is a module that has useful functionality that returns True...
pyportfolioopt 1.5.5 PyPortfolioOpt is a library that implements portfolio optimization methods, including classical mean-variance optimization techniques...
pyppr 0.1.1 PyPPR The PyPPR package is a collection of financial functions regarding PPRs, or Planos
pypivoter 0.1.0 PyPivoter Purpose The purpose of this package is to count and/or list the...
pypiversiontest 2.3.2 This module works on Python versions: 3.0.0 and greater...
pypms 0.7.1 Serial Air Quality Sensors Data acquisition and logging for Air Quality Sensors with UART...
pyplanetrolldice 1.1.1 Roll Dice A plugin for PyPlanet. This plugin allows you to simulate dice...
pyplanetmuffins 1.2.1 Muffins A plugin for PyPlanet. The Muffins plugin allows you to bake, give,...
pyplanetcurrentcps 1.1.0 Currentcps PyPlanet cp tracker app Description Currentcps is an app for PyPlanet....
pyplanetcupmanager 4.0.0 Cup Manager A plugin for PyPlanet. This plugin will handle hosting a cup...
pypicgotinypngplugin 1.0.0 Tinypng for PyPicGo to compress images install pip install pypicgo-tinypng-plugin
pypicgoblindwatermarkplugin 1.0.3 Blind WaterMark for PyPicGo append blind watermark to images install...
pypicgo 1.2.1 PyPicGo 是一款图床工具,是PicGo的Python版实现,并支持各种插件自定义插件,目前PyPicGo自带了gitee、github、SM.MS和七牛云图传,以及rename、notify和typora等插件,并支持从pypi中下载其他插件和Uploader 安装 pip install pypicgo
pypertext 0.1.1 Pypertext Transform a Python dictionary to HTML string. Install Requires python 3.6+
pyperms 0.1.0 PyPerms (Python Permissions) PyPerms is a library for convenient access control. The inspiration was...
pyparetoarchive 0.21 Archive of non-dominated points Creating an archive of...
pyparcels 1.2.0 Parcel Fabric Python API Utils Helper functions for simplifying parcel fabric workflows with the...
pypantera 1.0.2 pyPANTERA A Python Package for nAtural laNguage obfuscaTion Enforcing pRivacy & Anonymization
pypdmdb 1.1.4 pypdm-db mysql/sqlite 的 PDM 生成器 运行环境...
pypackproxy 0.3.1 PyPackProxy A caching proxy for Python package indexes. For more information see the...
pypdfium2 4.30.0 pypdfium2 pypdfium2 is an ABI-level Python 3 binding to PDFium, a powerful...
pypdf 4.3.1 pypdf pypdf is a free and open-source pure-python PDF library capable of splitting,...
pypcapkit 1.3.1.post22 For any technical and/or maintenance information, please kindly refer to the Official Documentation....
pyovpnas 0.0.8 Python OpenVPN Access Server SDK A Python library built on XML-RPC that demystifies remote...
pypawapi 2.0.0 pawapi pawapi is a Python package providing access to the PythonAnywhere API. Install
pypathutil 0.0.16 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.16
pypasswd 1.0.0 Library This Python package provides a secure and simple password generating library. In...
pyosc2 0.1.0 PMSF py-osc2 Framework What...
pyorlib 0.1.2 Documentation: Source Code: PyORlib is a powerful...
pyorientdb 1.0.0 pyorientdb State Orientdb driver for python that uses the binary protocol.
pyobservable 1.0.1 pyobservable Description pyobservable provides a...
pyobjcframeworkSpriteKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “SpriteKit” framework on macOS introduced in macOS 10.9. These wrappers don’t...
pyobjcframeworkSpeech 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Speech” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkSocial 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Social” framework on macOS 10.8 or later. Note that this framework...
pyobjcframeworkShazamKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ShazamKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkSharedWithYouCore 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “SharedWithYouCore” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkSharedWithYou 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “SharedWithYou” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkServiceManagement 10.3.1 Wrappers for framework ‘ServiceManagement’ on macOS 10.6. This framework provides an interface to the...
pyobjcframeworkServerNotification 8.5.1 Wrappers for framework ‘ServerNotification’ on macOS 10.6. This framework contains the class NSServerNotificationCenter which...
pyobjcframeworkSensitiveContentAnalysis 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “SensitiveContentAnalysis” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkSecurityFoundation 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “SecurityFoundation” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkSecurity 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Security” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkSearchKit 10.3.1 Deprecated wrappers for the “SearchKit” framework on macOS. Use the CoreServices package instead....
pyobjcframeworkScriptingBridge 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ScriptingBrige” framework on macOS 10.5 or later. This framework provides an...
pyobjcframeworkScreenTime 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ScreenTime” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkScreenSaver 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ScreenSaver” framework on macOS. This frameworks allows you to write custom...
pyobjcframeworkScreenCaptureKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ScreenCaptureKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkReplayKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ReplayKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkQuickLookThumbnailing 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “QuickLookThumbnailing” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkPushKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “PushKit” framework on macOS 10.15 and later. These wrappers don’t include...
pyobjcframeworkIntentsUI 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “IntentsUI” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkIntents 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Intents” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkInstantMessage 10.3.1 Wrappers for “InstantMessage” framework on macOS 10.5 or later. This framework allows you to...
pyobjcframeworkInstallerPlugins 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “InstallerPlugins” framework on macOS. This framework allows you to develop plugin’s...
pyobjcframeworkIMServicePlugIn 9.2 Wrappers for the “IMServicePlugIn” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkImageCaptureCore 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ImageCaptureCore” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkHealthKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “HealthKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkGameplayKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “GameplayKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkGameKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “GameKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkExtensionKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ExtensionKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkExecutionPolicy 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ExecutionPolicy” framework on macOS 10.15 and later. These wrappers don’t include...
pyobjcframeworkExceptionHandling 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ExceptionHandling” framework on macOS. The ExceptionHandling framework provides facilities for monitoring...
pyobjcframeworkEventKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “EventKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkDVDPlayback 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “DVDPlayback” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkDiskArbitration 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “DiskArbitration” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkDiscRecordingUI 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “DiscRecordingUI” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkDiscRecording 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “DiscRecording” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkDictionaryServices 10.3.1 Deprecated wrappers for the “DictionaryServices” framework on macOS 10.5 or later. Use package “CoreServices”...
pyobjcframeworkDeviceCheck 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “DeviceCheck” framework on macOS 10.15 and later. These wrappers don’t include...
pyobjcframeworkDataDetection 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “DataDetection” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCryptoTokenKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CryptoTokenKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCoreText 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreText” framework on macOS 10.5 or later. Core Text is an...
pyobjcframeworkCoreSpotlight 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreSpotlight” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCoreMotion 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreMotion” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCoreML 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreML” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCoreMediaIO 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreMediaIO” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCoreMedia 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreMedia” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...