ps3updatedl 0.3.0.post2 ps3-update-dl Downloads all updates for a given title directly from the PlayStation...
proxyenabledapi 0.0.3 async-api
proxytv 1.0.2 proxytv Robot for (ProxyBot) pip install proxytv ...
proteuslib 0.2.0 ProteusLib is an open-source, integrated suite of predictive multi-scale models for design and optimization of...
protes 0.3.8 PROTES Description Method PROTES (PRobabilistic Optimizer with TEnsor Sampling) for derivative-free optimization of...
proteinworkshop 0.2.5 Protein Workshop ...
proteinturnoverwebsite 0.4.1 Protein Turnover Pipeline More documentation soon. \lambda λ
proteinturnover 0.4.8 Protein Turnover protein turnover computations Install with: pip install protein-turnover #...
properlyrets 1.0.26 Python 3 client for the Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS) Version 1.7.2
propercli 1.4.1 Proper CLI Proper CLI is a Python library for creating composable, nestable, and ridiculously...
propan Propan Propan - just an another one HTTP a declarative Python Messaging Framework. It's...
proofaday 0.2.18 proofaday Print random proofs from ProofWiki
promypy 0.3.0 promypy
promqlhttpapi 0.3.4 PromQL HTTP API This python package provides a Prometheus HTTP API client library....
promptogen 0.0.6 PromptoGen Bridging LLMs and Python Seamlessly.
promptflowcore 1.15.0 Prompt flow core Introduction The...
promptflowazure 1.15.0 Prompt flow azure Introduction
promptflow 1.15.0 Prompt flow ...
prompt 0.4.1 Python Prompt Package Prompt and verify user input on the...
projectdilemma 1.1.0 Project Dilemma Project Dilemma is a simulation tool for testing algorithms in the prisoner's...
progserver 1.6.0 Prognostics As-A-Service (PaaS) Sandbox The NASA Prognostics As-A-Service...
progressivemypy 0.0.0 progressive-mypy
progressbar3 4.3.4 Build status: Coverage: Install The package...
proclip 0.2.0 Proclip A...
progmodels 1.5.2 Prognostics Model Python Package The NASA...
processq 0.0.1 processq package This library allows you to do your tasks in multiple processes easily.
processpy 0.1.0 Python Process Manager (processpy) processpy is simple process manager for python. If you...
process plot 0.5.2 process-plot Create plots of resource usage for a process...
probably 1.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
probs 0.0.6 probs Probability is a...
prioritysearchtree 0.1.0 The priority search tree (PST) is data structure (mutable mapping {key: priority}) with the following...
pritunlapi 1.1.12 Pritunl API Client for Python This is a simple Pritunl API Client written in...
prismstudiodev 1.5.0 title: | {width=1in} PrismStudio Readme author: Prism39 Inc. date: 2024.01.31...
primp 0.6.1 🪞PRIMP 🪞PRIMP = Python Requests IMPersonate The fastest python HTTP client that can...
primecount 1.0.0 primecount A Python wrapper for primecount. Documentation This package follows the documentation...
primooptimizer 0.1 PRIMO - The P&A Project Optimizer toolkit was produced under the Methane Emissions Reduction Program...
primary 0.0.1.dev1 Primary API Python Client Python client for Primary's trading/market-data/etc. APIs (
prett6 1.0.0 A pretty project framework for Python3 & PySide6. I hope it is useful for...
pretixautomatedorders 1.1.7 This is a plugin for pretix. Plugin for Pretix software that allows automated orders.
pretiac 0.2.0 pretiac: A PREtty Typed Icinga2 Api Client For more information about the project, please...
pri3odmenudesktop pri3o-dmenu-desktop Description pri3o-dmenu-desktop is a drop-in replacement for Michael Stapelberg's i3-dmenu-desktop...
prestashopgateway 1.3.1598471715 The author of this package has not provided a project description
previsastro 1.0.1 PREVIS (Python Request Engine for Virtual Interferometric Survey)
previewlink 0.0.1 Preview Link You may have seen a preview of a link with a title,...
PrettyQt 1.57.4 prettyqt: Pythonic layer on top of PyQt6 / PySide6
prettypython 0.1.0 pretty_python Standard Python Shim for IPython pretty library See lib.pretty Docs for full...
prepullsingularity 0.2.0 Application to populate the singularity cache. Useful for HPC clusters where multiple nodes may...
prettylog 0.3.0 Let’s write beautiful logs: import logging from prettylog import basic_config ...
prettyetcqt 0.4.0 The project is divided in 2 packages: prettyetc-qt (a qt-based graphical interface...
prettyetc 0.4.0 The project is divided in 2 packages: prettyetc-qt (a qt-based graphical interface...
premiscale 0.0.7 PremiScale PremiScale is a controller that brings autoscaling of virtual...
premierleagueapi 2.0.0 Premier League API An unofficial api client for pulling player and fixture...
premaseemutils 2.0.1 Utils package by Premaseem commendations for version control, documentation, or testing....
prefectsupporter 1.0.4 prefect_supporter prefect_supporter provide services to supporter to manage Prefect Usage ...
praattools 0.1.0 praat-tools This project aims to become a comprehensive Python library to read and write...
preconditionopt 0.3.0 precondition: Preconditioning Optimizers Installation (note package name is precondition but...
precommitupdate 0.4.0.post1 pre-commit-update
precommitpohooks 1.7.3 pre-commit-po-hooks Hooks for pre-commit useful working...
precommitmirrormaker 1.10.0 pre-commit-mirror-maker Scripts for creating mirror repositories that do not have .pre-commit-hooks.yaml Installation
precommithooksdjango 0.4.0 pre-commit-hooks-django Some useful hooks for Django development See also: Using pre-commit-hooks-django...
precommithookschangelog 0.1.5 pre-commit-hooks-changelog generate a markdown changelog from folder of yaml files Using pre-commit-hooks-changelog with...
precommithooks 4.6.0 pre-commit-hooks Some out-of-the-box hooks for pre-commit. See also: Using pre-commit-hooks with...
precommitciconfig 1.6.1 pre-commit-ci-config validation for configuration installation pip install pre-commit-ci-config ...
precommit 3.8.0 pre-commit A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. For more information...
precisionrecallgain 0.1.1 Precision-recall-gain curves for Python Free software: MIT license
precinct 0.1.3 Precinct About Precinct is a SQL query LLM copilot that helps analyze your...
PPTT 0.0.9 PPTT PowerPoint Template for...
ppme 0.1.3 Pretty Print Me! Pretty print anything* to the terminal ...
ppmdcffi 0.5.0 PPM(Prediction by partial matching) is a compression algorithm which has several variations of implementations....
ppglog 0.1.0 PPG-log Helper...
pparser 2.0.2 PotatoParser Converter of Ducky Script to Arduino sketch with some additional funcitons (like Alt...
powerpax 0.1.2 Powerpax: Utilities for JAX A collection...
poverlap 1.0.0 POVERLAP POverlap or Point Overlap is pure python library For Check Overlapping or Colliding...
postleid 0.8.1 Postleid Skript zum Korrigieren von Postleitzahlen in Excel-Dateien Es werden Postleitzahlenregeln für 187...
postgresqlwheel 14.1.2 postgresql-wheel A Python wheel for Linux containing a complete, self-contained, locally installable PostgreSQL...
postgresql112zhongwenwendang 2024.3.5.0 PostgreSQL 11.2 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/postgresql-11-2-zhongwen-wendang docker run -tid...
postgkyl 1.7.4.dev1 Postgkyl This is the Postgkyl project. It is both Python library and...
poppylib 0.0.2 poppy Battle tested algorithms and data-structures for your next space-mission or casual reading.
portinus 1.0.17 The author of this package has not provided a project description
portex 0.0.1 Portex Portex is a schema language for describing...