optunafastfanova 0.0.4 optuna-fast-fanova optuna-fast-fanova provides Cython-accelerated version of FanovaImportanceEvaluator. ...
optunadistributed 0.7.0 optuna-distributed An extension to Optuna which makes distributed hyperparameter optimization easy, and keeps all...
optunaasynchelper 0.3.1 Optuna Async Helper A Helper Library for Optuna Async Optimization Install pip...
optuna 3.6.1 Optuna: A hyperparameter optimization framework
optiontools 0.1.5 Optiontools Tools for valuating financial derivatives Option Tools contains methods for valuating different...
optionchainanalytics 1.0.18 OptionChainAnalytics Analytics for processing option chain and options time series data Core python...
orderbookzpy 1.0.0 orderbookzpy very small client for orderbookz game
optimyzer 0.2.1 Optimyzer A hyperparameter optimization framework that fits into every workflow This...
orchestratorlso 1.0.3 LSO: an API that allows for remotely executing Ansible playbooks. Code documentation Code...
orchestratorcore 2.7.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
optimalportfolios 2.1.1 Optimal Portfolios Backtester optimalportfolios package implements analytics for backtesting of optimal portfolios including:...
oranchada 0.0.15 oranchada Orange workflow add-on for processing Raman spectra. Based on ramanchada2. For more...
oramask 0.2.3 oramask Oramask is a simplistic converter of Oracle specific date/time masks to Python's strftime...
opmcpg 0.0.4 The code in folder src\opm was taken from https://opm-project.org/ in particular https://github.com/OPM/opm-grid/tree/master/opm/grid and upgraded...
opmatch 1.0.1 The package provides the following matching methods: optimal match ...
openworldsdkpythonfraudprevention 0.8.1 Open World Fraud Prevention SDK for Python
openworldsdkpythoncore 0.10.0 Open World SDK Core Library for Python The library provides the core functionality for...
opentraining 0.8.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
opentracingdecorator 1.1.0 opentracing-decorator - A Python decorator for OpenTracing trace generation.
opentelemetryhooksampler 0.0.3 opentelemetry-hook-sampler Custom function based sampler for opentelemetry-python. How to install $ pip...
openmapi 1.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
openmairie.devtools 1.1.0 openmairie.devtools openMairie Developer Tools Contents openmairie.devtools
openllmclient 0.5.7 👾 OpenLLM Client
openllm 0.6.10 🦾 OpenLLM: Self-Hosting LLMs Made Easy ...
openinvertercantool 0.2.0 openinverter CAN tool A tool to allow configuration...
OpenELM 0.9.2 OpenELM OpenELM is an open-source library by CarperAI, designed to enable evolutionary search with...
opendv 0.0.1 An Open-Source Framework for Shapley-based value intened intended for data valuation.
OpenOCR 0.1.0 OpenOCR Installing Install and update using pip: $ pip install -U openocr
opendatalab 0.0.10 OpenDataLab Python SDK IMPORTANT: OpenDataLab SDK...
openhaspconfigmanager 0.5.0 openhasp-config-manager A cli tool to manage all of your openHASP device configs in a...
opengis10zhongwenwendang 2024.3.4.0 OpenGIS 1.0 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/opengis-1-0-zhongwen-wendang docker run -tid...
openexchangerate 1.5.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
openexchange 0.2.0 Open Exchange Python SDK The Open Exchange Python SDK provides access to the Open...
openbobj 0.1.1 Open BOBJ Simple Python Package to open .obj files in Blender from the...
openav 1.0.0a14 OpenAV
opack 0.1.0 opack Python library for parsing the opack format
oopsallitertools 3.3.1 Python’s more-itertools is a fantastic compliment to itertools but it’s inconvenient to have to...
openalea.plantconvert 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
openaitools gpt-tools
oogg 1.1.1 OOGG This tools aim to be a helper to open files at the GitHub...
openaicli 0.0.3 Installation To install OpenAI CLI in Python virtual environment, run: pip install openai-cli
ontoma 1.1.2 OnToma is a Python module which maps the disease or phenotype terms to EFO, the...
ontoloviz 1.7.5 OntoloViz is a user-friendly interface that enables the creation of interactive sunburst plots for...
ont 0.2.0 ont A random collection of useful functions for @jni that haven't yet found a
onstrodb 0.2.2 Onstro DB A simple, fast and strict DB designed to...
oneNeuronPypiAmanGupta0112 0.0.1 oneNeuron_Pypi Refrence - Official Python Documentation
onjava8zhongwenban 2024.3.4.0 《On Java 8》中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/on-java-8-zhongwenban docker run -tid...
onecondition 1.1.15 1️⃣ OneCondition An ultra-lightweight package for validating single conditions. ...
onecodex 0.16.0 One Codex API - Python Client Library and CLI Command...
onionlocation 0.1.0 Python library for discovering Onion-Location HTTP headers. Usage >>> from onion_location...
onigurumacffi 1.3.0 onigurumacffi python cffi bindings for the oniguruma regex engine installation pip install...
onglaiclassifyhomologues 1.0.0 An Algorithm to Classify Homologous Series ...
OneShot 0.2.0 OneShot is a package that analyzes single shots in order to determine beam emittance. It...
onereadme 0.3 Readme Only CLI Package you need to manage all your Readme. ...
onepmshims 24.1.1 onepm Picks the right package manager for you. Don't make me think about...
onepm 24.2 onepm Picks the right package manager for you. Don't make me think about...
onepattern 0.2.6 OnePattern One pattern for accessing data powered by SQLAlchemy & Pydantic. Features...
omssaltextvmware 24.3.14 Salt Extension Modules for VMware This is a collection of Salt-maintained extension modules for...
olympuswifi 0.9.1 Olympus Wifi-Enabled Camera on Linux, macOS and Windows Some Olympus cameras have wifi capability....
olympia 0.2.0 Olympia Data structures and algorithms in Python 🐍
okxexchangeapi 1.0.3 okx-exchange-api okx交易所api封装
omemobackendsignal 0.3.1 python-omemo-backend-signal A backend for python-omemo offering compatibility with libsignal. This library implements a...
OMEMO 1.0.4 python-omemo A Python implementation of the OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption protocol....
oktaawscli 0.5.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
oklchcsspalette 1.2.3 OKLCH_CSS_Palette_Builder
OMADS 2408.0 OMADS MADS: A python implementation for the mesh adaptive direct search (MADS) method; ORTHO-MADS...
okama 1.4.1 Okama okama is a library with investment portfolio analyzing & optimization tools. CFA recommendations...
oidv6 1.0.5 Download single or multiple classes from the OIDv6 ...
oenv2config 1.6.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
oem 0.4.2 Python Orbit Ephemeris Message tools Python tools for working with Orbit Ephemeris Messages (OEMs).
oelintparser 3.5.5 oelint-parser alternative parser for bitbake recipes
oelintadv 5.7.2 oelint-adv Advanced oelint Purpose...
ogcldapitestclient 0.5 OGC LD API Test Client A test client (command line program) for implementations of...
odsparsator 1.11.0 odsparsator, a .ods parser. Generate a JSON file from an OpenDocument Format .ods file.
odsgenerator 1.11.0 odsgenerator, a .ods generator. Generate an OpenDocument Format .ods file from a .json or...
odsexport 0.0.1 odsexport odsexport is a Python-native library to create ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet) documents....
offshore 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
minecraftlaunchercmd 1.1 minecraft-launcher-cmd Start Minecraft from commandline Usage: minecraft-launcher-cmd --username {Username} --password {Password}...
millerrabin 1.0.1 miller-rabin
midtransclient 1.4.2 Midtrans Client - Python Midtrans ❤️ Python! 🐍