havedocker 🐍havedocker🐋
hcaimodels 0.1.1 Description This repository contains code to make readly deploy pretrained machine learning model from...
hcaidatasetsnightly 0.1.14.dev202309120700 This Repository is deprecated since version 0.1.14 and will not be further developed. Bugfixes might...
hcaidatasets 0.1.14 This Repository is deprecated since version 0.1.14 and will not be further developed. Bugfixes might...
hbschrsampleproject 0.0.1 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
hazelcastpythonclient 5.5.0 Hazelcast is an open-source distributed in-memory data store and computation platform that provides a...
hasytools 0.1.2 hasy_tools hasy_tools is a support package for the HASY dataset. The dataset is...
hasy 0.3.1 Please refer to the HASY paper for details about the dataset. If you want...
hashtools 0.3.0 hashtools Hash tools collection, like md5, sha1, sha256 and many other hash tools....
hashin 1.0.1 Helps you write your requirements.txt with hashes so you can install with pip install...
hashidtools 1.0.2 HashIDTools===========.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/joeblackwaslike/hashidtools.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/joeblackwaslike/hashidtools :alt: Build Status.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat :target: https://github.com/joeblackwaslike/hashidtools :alt: Github Repo.....
harrier 0.13.2 harrier A better static...
happykostadin 0.0.5 Happy Kostadin Find out if LF or CRLF is used. Credits
happier 0.1.0 A Python development tool that makes you Happier. Happier formats, lints and sorts your...
hapless 0.4.1 hapless
hapischema 0.8.14 hapi-sqlalchemy-schema Schema for HAPI database in SQLAlchemy
harkimagestore 1.0.0.dev4 UNKNOWN
harkbuilder 1.0.0.dev6 UNKNOWN
hark 1.0.0.dev3 UNKNOWN
hankel 1.2.2 Perform simple and accurate Hankel transformations using the method of Ogata 2005. Hankel...
hanguljamo 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hangthepyman 0.1.3 HangThePyMan Classic Hangman game with Pygame & Python touch. ...
handlingandprocessingstringsinr 2024.3.4.0 Handling and Processing Strings in R 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/handling-and-processing-strings-in-r...
hadoopthedefinitiveguide4ezhongwenban 2024.3.4.0 Hadoop The Definitive Guide 4e 中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/hadoop-the-definitive-guide-4e-zhongwenban...
hamqth 0.1.3 Python HamQTH A HamQTH client library for Python. HamQTH provides a...
halonapi 0.0.6 halon-api A Python wrapper for the API for Mail Transport Agent Halon build with...
habito 1.2.0 Habito Simple commandline habits tracker. Installation...
hab 0.42.0 Hab A launcher that lets you configure software distributions and how they are consumed...
hako 0.0.5 Hako: Command Line Cloud Storage Hako is a command line cloud storage client, intefacing...
h5preserve 0.19.0 h5preserve is a thin wrapper around h5py, inspired by camel. It can be installed...
h5cli 0.1.0 [](https://github.com/ambv/black) ## h5cli A command shell interface to interact with HDF5...
GxSphinx 1.0.0 Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation...
gvol 0.6.2 GVol GVol is a...
gymignitionmodels 1.1.1 gym-ignition-models
gurobimachinesplugin 0.7.0 Gurobi monitoring plugin Checks an url raise an alert if some problem is found.
gurobilogtools 3.1.0 gurobi-logtools Extract information from Gurobi log files and...
gugeshenduxuexibijiahangchen 2024.3.4.0 谷歌深度学习笔记(ahangchen) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/guge-shendu-xuexi-biji-ahangchen docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
gugejisuansiweikechengzhongwenban 2024.3.4.0 谷歌计算思维课程(中文版) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/guge-jisuan-siwei-kecheng-zhongwenban docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
gstore 0.6.1 Gstore is a simple tool to synchronize GitHub repositories of your organizations. Its main...
gstoolscore 1.0.0 GSTools Core A Rust implementation of...
gstools 1.6.0 Welcome to GSTools
guaninecrystalanalysis 0.0.2 guanine-crystal-analysis A...
gsnetsuiteapi 1.3.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gsmeta 0.0.2 Google cloud storage metadata viewer Soon
gslibutils 0.1.0 gslibutils Python utilities for GSLIB parameter, input and output files GSLIB executables use...
groovyrumen 2024.3.4.0 Groovy 入门 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/groovy-rumen docker run -tid -p...
groot The author of this package has not provided a project description
grpcrequests 0.1.20 grpc_requests
growingiozengchangmiji30zhongban 2024.3.4.0 GrowingIO 增长秘籍 3.0 终版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/growingio-zengchang-miji-3-0-zhongban docker run...
growingiozengchangheikeshouce 2024.3.5.0 GrowingIO 增长黑客手册 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/growingio-zengchang-heike-shouce docker run -tid -p...
growingiotishengliuliangzhuanhualv 2024.3.5.0 GrowingIO 提升流量转化率 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/growingio-tisheng-liuliang-zhuanhualv docker run -tid -p...
growingioshujuyunyingshouce 2024.3.5.0 GrowingIO 数据运营手册 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/growingio-shuju-yunying-shouce docker run -tid -p...
growingioqudaoliuliangfenxishouce 2024.3.5.0 GrowingIO 渠道流量分析手册 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/growingio-qudao-liuliang-fenxi-shouce docker run -tid -p...
growingiochanpinjinglishujufenxishouce 2024.3.5.0 GrowingIO 产品经理数据分析手册 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/growingio-chanpin-jingli-shujufenxi-shouce docker run -tid -p...
groupeffect 0.2.5 Groupeffect: reusable Django app for developers Requirements https://github.com/django/django...
groupdocsmetadatanet 1.0 File Metadata Python API Product Page | Docs | Demos | API...
griffetypingdoc 0.2.6 Griffe TypingDoc Griffe extension...
griffesphinx 0.1.0 Griffe Sphinx Parse Sphinx-comments above attributes as docstrings.
grifferuntimeobjects 0.2.0 griffe-runtime-objects Make runtime objects available through extra....
griffepublicwildcardimports 0.2.1 griffe-public-wildcard-imports Mark wildcard imported objects as public....
griffepublicredundantaliases 0.2.0 griffe-public-redundant-aliases Mark objects imported with redundant aliases as...
griffemodernizedannotations 1.0.8 griffe-modernized-annotations A Griffe extension that modernizes type annotations by adopting PEP 585...
griffeinheritedmethodcrossrefs griffe_inherited_method_crossrefs Griffe extension to replace docstrings of inherited methods with cross-references to parent...
griffeinheriteddocstrings 1.0.1 Griffe Inherited Docstrings Griffe...
griffegenerics 1.0.12 griffe-generics A Griffe extension that resolves generic type parameters as bound types...
griffeautodocstringstyle 0.1.0 griffe-autodocstringstyle Set docstring style to 'auto' for external...
griffe2md 1.0.1 griffe2md Output API docs...
griffe 1.2.0 Griffe Signatures...
grailkit 0.10.1 Grail Kit GrailKit is a library for creative and experimental coding. This library used...
griddicdummypackage 0.0.1 long_description
gradleshizhan 2024.3.4.0 Gradle 实战 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/gradle-shizhan docker run -tid -p...
gradiotoggle 1.0.4 tags: [gradio-custom-component, Checkbox, gradio] title: gradio_toggle short_description: Gradio custom component colorFrom: gray
gradiotextwithattachments 0.0.4 gradio_textwithattachments A Custom Gradio component. Example usage import gradio as gr...
graphqlresponsevalidator 0.0.1 A tool for validating GraphQL responses against their respective queries. This package is work-in-progress.
graphqlrequests 0.3.1 GraphQL client, high performance, easy to use, sync/async support
graphqlquery 1.4.0 graphql-query graphql_query is a...
gradiosbmppromptableimage 0.0.3 gradio_sbmp_promptable_image A webcam-compatible Gradio input image component enabling prompting with the most recently drawn...
gradiorichtextbox 0.4.2 gradio_rich_textbox Gradio custom component for rich text input Installation pip...
gradiorangeslider 0.0.6 tags: [gradio-custom-component, Slider, leaderboards, forms, filtering, slider] title: gradio_rangeslider short_description: 🛝 Slider component...
gradiopromptweighting 0.0.2 gradio_promptweighting Simple component for creating prompt weighting for real-time generation. Installation