Modified source from Ivan Rebrov github for PHP implementation of the Frequent Pattern Growth algorithm
Chaos Monkey for Symfony applications
A trait for filtering and sorting Query Builder results, based on Laracasts/Dedicated-Query-String-Filtering
Validare CNP
This library allows you to attach Lazy Listeners to a ZF2 EventManager
Remote Site Management
Psalm plugin for react/promise
Pacote para integrar laravel com a API ZSPay
A basic API controller set for laravel
Sezar şifreleme yöntemi ile güzel bir şifreleme yöntemi :)
Permission handling for Laravel 6.0 and higher
Irfan's Database - A bare-minimum and simple database access
Dynamically changes native PHP functions into chain syntax
Adds multiple mailers
The easiest way to generate Gravatar avatar URL.
OAuth2 Server for Hyperf Framework
Provides an integration to use a WordPress blog with your SilverStripe Site
基于box/spout的一个快速读写excel文件(csx,xlsx and ods)的php库(详细文档:
UPYUN sdk for php
official alipay php sdk
Port of the ParallelProcessor group of classes
Monolog Handler for sending messages to Microsoft Teams using the Incoming Webhook connector