I18n provides tools for loading translation files and generating translated strings
Componente para validar CPF, CNPJ, telefone, e-mail e URL
Inheritance assertions for PHPUnit-based tests
OAUTH2 Revoking Token for Discord.
Assertions on object properties for PHPUnit-based tests
An experiment in making an 'immutable' wrapper for PHP's file functions.
Simple API Client with OAuth2 Auth handler
Fathom Analytics API
Foxdb query builder
ApiQL - Automated Rest API for MySql databases
Anax weather module.
This is a little neat helper for the ZipArchive methods with handy functions
Reusable Livewire components
Foundby select box antries for the Shop system extension
A package for building Slack messages.
PHP Framework for building REST API
Linker Project
Pure-PHP inotify bindind (FFI-based)
Generic PHP Library to Store Errors and return them as needed
A diagram workflow builder.
Jumpstart files for Eloquent/Slim projects