Google Play Billing
Bank Wallet Helper Api
A Laravel package for connecting to all Iraninan payment gateways, base package mozakar/gateway
WordPres Db PDO Wrapper
A re-usable tchatbot PHP implementation to never be alone again. Hum, wait... What?
Nitra GeoBundle Syncronize geography
Laminas Framework Module for Swagger/OpenAPI resource file generation
PHP micro framework
Repository Pattern para Laravel e Lumen
Laravel JSON API Resource
A package to subscribe and publish to mqtt protocols
Knowledge Base for your Laravel Projects
Give it a nice description!
bundle for the application layer libary
Mutli Processor
Buckaroo BPE3 API client for PHP. PSR-4 Compatible.
EPower Network Zealot Project Block
Create PDF and Excel reports in Laravel and style them with Tailwind CSS.
Simple View Presenter for Laravel.
Translations for module user
Take Google Forms and convert them to HTML.