Simple Sanskrit programming language
Vectrex emulator
High-performance regular expression matching library
GNU Fortran compatibility for Apple's vecLib
Synchronize calendars and contacts
Ethernet compliant virtual network
Creates video contact sheets (previews) of videos
Provide version control info in shell prompts
Tools for working with VCF files
(Super) video CD authoring solution
Macro assembler for Broadcom VideoCore IV aka Raspberry Pi GPU
SIMD Vector Classes for C++
Allows the secure storage and execution of environments
Subversion-like utility to work with Jackrabbit FileVault
Vagrant Host-Guest SSH Command Wrapper/Proxy/Forwarder
High-performance HTTP accelerator
VapourSynth filters - Subtitling filter
VapourSynth filters - Tesseract OCR filter
VapourSynth filters - ImageMagick HDRI writer/reader
Video processing framework with simplicity in mind
Audio processing plugin system sdk
High-performance data structure server that primarily serves key/value workloads
Header-only C++ library for JSON Schema validation
Syntax-aware linter for prose
Vala bindings for radare, reverse engineering framework