cryptography Overview # Popular cryptographic algorithms for Dart / Flutter developers. Maintained by
pattern formatter PatternFormatter # A Flutter package provides some implementations of TextInputFormatter that format...
quill html editor Quill Html Editor # Quill Html Editor is a powerful HTML rich text...
brasil fields brasil_fields # O jeito mais fácil de utilizar padrões e formatos brasileiros...
appinio video player Custom Video Player # This package wraps the official video_player package by flutter...
process run process_run # Process run helpers for Linux/Win/Mac. shell # Allows to run...
firebase analytics web firebase_analytics_web # The web implementation of firebase_analytics. Getting Started # To...
mailto mailto # Simple Dart package for creating mailto links in your Flutter and...
phonepe payment sdk Flutter PhonePe Payment SDK # Use this Plugin as a library #...
oauth2 A client library for authenticating with a remote service via OAuth2 on behalf of a...
horizontal data table horizontal_data_table # A Flutter Widget...
date field Welcome to the Date Field package! 📅 # This package provides two...
text search An in-memory fuzzy text search library for Dart. license. Usage # A...
hex dart-hex # Easy hexadecimal encoding and decoding using the dart:convert API. Usage #...
flutter advanced switch flutter_advanced_switch # An advanced switch widget, that can be fully customized with size,...
flutter web auth 2 Web Auth 2 for Flutter # This project is a continuation of...
simple barcode scanner simple_barcode_scanner # simple_barcode_scanner that let you scan barcode and qr code in mobile,web...
reorderable grid view ReorderableGridView # Copy from official ReorderableListView Usage: # dependencies: reorderable_grid_view:...
extended text extended_text # Language: English | 中文简体 Extended official text to build...
google maps Dart Google Maps # This project is a library to use Google Maps JavaScript...
functions client functions-dart # Docs # The docs can be found on the official Supabase...
storage client storage-dart # Dart client library to interact with Supabase Storage. Documentation:...
pull down button Pull-Down Button from iOS 14 for Flutter #
realtime client realtime-dart # Listens to changes in a PostgreSQL Database and via websockets. A...
flutter dash flutter_dash # A small library to draw dashed line in flutter :D Install...