scrollview observer Flutter ScrollView Observer # Language: English | 中文 This is a...
amplify api amplify_api # The Amplify Flutter API category plugin. Category / Platform Support #
keyboard dismisser keyboard_dismisser # A simple Flutter package to hide the keyboard when performing a gesture...
advertising id advertising_id # A Flutter plugin to access advertising ID. Wraps ASIdentifierManager.advertisingIdentifier (on iOS)...
extended masked text Extended Masked Text # This package is based on the source code of...
flutter swiper null safety 这个库, 完全根据 使用方式,跟原作者一样 修改的空安全,兼容2.0。如果需要2.0以下的,请到原作者git参考使用
group button Flutter widget to create a group of buttons fast 🚀 Included Radio...
bottom navy bar BottomNavyBar # A beautiful and animated bottom navigation. The navigation bar uses...
swipe to swipe_to # SwipeTo is a wrapper for a chat view widget which can be...
wechat camera picker Flutter WeChat Camera Picker # ...
localization Localization # Package to simplify in-app translation. Install # Use the Localization package...
meta seo Meta Seo # Flutter package for Meta SEO. Screenshots # ...
mason logger mason_logger # A reusable logger used...
eva icons flutter eva_icons_flutter # Flutter package for Eva Icons. Eva Icons is a pack of...
widgets to image Widgets To Image # A simple flutter package to export your widget to...
flutter stripe web Stripe for Flutter Web # This package is in a very early stage...
bitsdojo window bitsdojo_window # A Flutter package that makes it easy to customize and work with...
barcode barcode # Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any...
loading overlay loading_overlay # A simple widget wrapper to enable modal progress HUD (a modal progress...
country codes Country Codes #
android path provider android_path_provider # Flutter plugin for getting Android directories. (Downloads, Movies, Pictures...)....
image picker web ImagePickerWeb # This Web-Plugin allows...
fading edge scrollview fading_edge_scrollview # Package providing FadingEdgeScrollView which allows you to build scrollable views with...
flutter timer countdown flutter_timer_countdown is a Flutter package for a Timer. ✨ It is a simple...
cli util A package to help in building Dart command-line apps. What's this? # package:cli_util...