linkify linkify # Low-level link (text, URLs, emails, phone numbers, user tags) parsing library in Dart.
flutter feather icons flutter_feather_icons v2.0.0 # See Catalog # Important Note # Naming conventions...
month year picker Material Month/Year Picker # The month year picker inspired...
flutter isolate FlutterIsolate # A Dart isolate is roughly equivalent to a single, independent execution thread....
text scroll text_scroll # TextScroll Flutter widget adds text auto-scrolling functionality (marquee text). ...
flutter callkit incoming Flutter Callkit Incoming # A Flutter plugin to show incoming call in your...
open mail app Open Mail App Flutter # A boring but accurate name....
flag flag # A flag Flutter package for Android / iOS /...
firebase messaging web firebase_messaging_web # The web implementation of firebase_messaging. Getting Started # To...
flutter image slideshow flutter_image_slideshow # A simple image slideshow widget. Mainly intended for image widget,...
progress dialog null safe progress_dialog # A light weight package to show progress dialog. As it...
markdown A portable Markdown library written in Dart. It can parse Markdown into HTML on both...
auto route generator auto_route_generator # A generator for auto_route library. #
preload page view PreloadPageView # Like the name, this is the widget to support Pre-load function...
skeletons Skeletons # A Flutter package for building custom skeleton widgets to mimic the page's layout...
health Health # Enables reading and writing health data from/to Apple Health and Health Connect....
ffigen Binding generator for FFI bindings. Note: ffigen only supports parsing C headers, not...
rename app Rename App # The only flutter package which changes app name for all platforms...
widgetbook A Flutter package that helps developers catalog their widgets, test them quickly on multiple devices and...
background fetch Flutter background_fetch # By Transistor Software, creators of Flutter Background Geolocation...
maps toolkit maps_toolkit # ...
google api headers Google API Headers #
flutter expandable fab flutter_expandable_fab # English, 日本語 flutter_expandable_fab is a speed dial FAB...
riverpod generator Riverpod generator # Welcome! This project is a side package for Riverpod, meant...
very good analysis Very Good Analysis # Developed with 💙 by Very...