flutter exif rotation Fix exif rotation for flutter # Flutter plugin that fixes the...
fluttericon Fluttericon # Flutter icon packs built from 15 popular free and open-source webfonts....
bubble Bubble # A Flutter widget for chat like a speech bubble...
extended nested scroll view extended_nested_scroll_view # Language: English | 中文简体 NestedScrollView: extended nested...
flutter swipe action cell Language: # English | 中文简体 flutter_swipe_action_cell # A package...
bottom picker Bottom Picker # Easy way to display bottom...
either dart either dart · # The library for error handling and railway oriented programming....
media kit video package:media_kit_video # Native implementation for video playback in package:media_kit. License...
google maps flutter ios google_maps_flutter_ios # The iOS implementation of google_maps_flutter. Usage # This...
image editor image_editor # The version of readme pub and github may be inconsistent,...
stacked services Stacked Services # Provides some essential services to aid in implementing the Stacked architecture....
youtube explode dart YoutubeExplodeDart # This is a port of the YoutubeExplode library from C#, most...
flutter flavor flutter_flavor # Flavors helps us to create builds for different...
objectbox Getting Started • Documentation • Example Apps • Issues
flutter chat types Flutter Chat Types # Utility library for...
dotted decoration dotted_decoration # Dotted line decoration is custom decoration as simple as BoxDocoration can be...
google mlkit barcode scanning Google's ML Kit Barcode Scanning for Flutter # ...
flutter portal flutter_portal: Evolved Overlay/OverlayEntry - declarative not imperative, intuitive-context, and easy-alignment # Want to show...
adjust sdk Adjust SDK for Flutter # This is the Adjust™ SDK for Flutter. Documentation is...
mutex mutex # A library for creating locks to ensure mutual exclusion when running critical...
searchfield ⭐️Show some ❤️ and star the repo.⭐ A highly customizable, simple and easy...
nested A widget that simplifies the syntax for deeply nested widget trees. Motivation # Widgets...
focus detector Focus Detector # Get notified every time your widget appears or disappears from the...
dart code linter Dart Code Linter # Dart Code Linter (DCL) is a powerful...
auto size text field Auto Size TextField # ✍️ Flutter TextField widget...