dart ipify Dart Ipify # An unofficial client library for Ipify <https://www.ipify.org/> A Simple Public IP...
lints Official Dart lint rules # The Dart linter is a static analyzer for identifying possible...
better player Better Player # Advanced video player. It solves...
retrofit generator See retrofit.dart
animated custom dropdown Custom Dropdown # Custom Dropdown package lets you add customizable animated dropdown widget.
date picker timeline DatePickerTimeline # Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as...
screen brightness screen_brightness # A Plugin for controlling screen brightness with application life cycle reset implemented.
xdg directories xdg_directories # A Dart package for reading XDG directory configuration information on Linux....
string validator string_validator ============= String validation and sanitization for Dart. This is a new...
flutter custom clippers flutter_custom_clippers # Flutter package that provides you custom clippers to help you achieve...
pull to refresh flutter3 flutter_pulltorefresh # ...
home widget Home Widget #
native device orientation Native Device Orientation # This is a plugin project that allows...
reactive forms Reactive Forms # This is a model-driven approach to handling Forms inputs and validations,...
flutter carousel widget flutter_carousel_widget # A customizable carousel slider widget for Flutter, offering features such as...
internet file A internet file getter (also optional downloader) that works in all platforms (browsers, mobile, desktop,...
talker flutter Advanced error handler and logger for dart and flutter apps Log your...
carousel slider plus carousel_slider_plus # A carousel slider widget. This package is fork of carousel_slider...
enum to string enum_to_string # Better conversion of ENUMs to string - It also...
translator translator # Free Google Translate API for Dart See it in pub: https://pub.dev/packages/translator...
sleek circular slider Sleek circular slider/progress bar & spinner for Flutter # A highly...
any link preview AnyLinkPreview #
isar Isar Database
nfc manager nfc_manager # Flutter plugin for accessing the NFC features on Android and iOS....
quickalert An instantly ready, full-featured alerts for development on any platform with flutter. Enabling you to complete...