animated toggle switch AnimatedToggleSwitch #
http interceptor http_interceptor # ...
fluro English | Português The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter....
google places flutter google_places_flutter # Add dependency into pubspec.yml # dependencies: flutter: sdk:...
cloud functions web cloud_functions_web # The web implementation of cloud_functions. Getting Started # To...
animated flip counter animated_flip_counter # An implicit animation widget that flips from one number to another.
country pickers country_pickers # Countries, codes, flags and several way of picking them at your
multi dropdown MultiSelect Dropdown #
flutter zoom drawer Flutter Zoom Drawer # A Flutter package with custom implementation of...
responsive sizer Responsive Sizer # Responsive Sizer helps implement a responsive layout by providing helper widgets...
google ml kit Google's ML Kit for Flutter #
devicelocale devicelocale # Gets the device locale data, independent of the app locale settings. Please...
html editor enhanced Flutter Html Editor - Enhanced # Flutter HTML Editor Enhanced is...
flutter smart dialog Feature and Usage(Must read!):super detailed guide 功能和用法(必看!): 超详细指南 Language: English...
super tooltip super_tooltip # SuperTooltip It is super flexible and allows you...
boolean selector The boolean_selector package defines a simple and flexible syntax for boolean expressions. It can...
webviewx plus A feature-rich cross-platform webview using webview_flutter for mobile and iframe for web. JS interop-ready....
firebase ui auth Firebase UI Auth # Firebase UI Auth is a set of...
sembast sembast.dart # sembast db stands for Simple Embedded Application Store database ...
back button interceptor back_button_interceptor # In simple cases, when you need to intercept the Android back-button,...
reorderables ** Kindly submit PR if you encounter issues and please make sure you're using stable channel...
flutter modular Flutter Modular # Let's find out how to implement a Modular structure...
buttons tabbar Buttons TabBar # Buttons TabBar is an open-source Flutter package...
timer count down Simple Count Down # A...
expandable text This Flutter package includes the widget ExpandableText which you can use to initially only show...