diacritic Dart diacritic library # Removes common accents and diacritical signs from a string by...
flutterwave standard Flutterwave Flutter SDK (Standard) # The Flutter library helps you create seamless payment experiences...
syncfusion flutter pdf Flutter PDF library # Flutter PDF is a feature-rich and high-performance non-UI PDF...
floor See the project's website for the full documentation. Floor provides a neat SQLite abstraction for...
webview flutter web webview_flutter_web # This is an implementation of the webview_flutter plugin for web....
flutter gen The Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — Get rid of all...
realm Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This repository...
line icons LineIcons 2.0.3 # Just another bunch of beautiful icons to use # I...
flex color picker FlexColorPicker # FlexColorPicker is a customizable color picker for Flutter. The ColorPicker can...
top snackbar flutter Made in lanars.com. If you need to show the user some...
faker faker # A library for Dart that generates fake...
flash Flash # ⚡️A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Flutter. Website:...
grpc The Dart implementation of gRPC: A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts...
flutter webrtc Flutter-WebRTC # WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web ...
characters [Characters][Characters] are strings viewed as sequences of user-perceived characters, also known as [Unicode (extended)...
amplify auth cognito amplify_auth_cognito # The Amplify Flutter Auth category plugin using the AWS Cognito provider.
battery plus battery_plus # A Flutter plugin to...
rename Rename CLI Tool v3 # Warning #
rate my app Rate my app ! # This plugin allows to kindly ask users to...
flutter vector icons flutter_vector_icons # Customizable Icons for Flutter. Port of react-native-vector-icons.
ionicons Ionicons # This package includes 1332 icons of Ionicons...
dio smart retry Dio Smart Retry # Flexible retry library for Dio package. This is a...
flutter google places flutter_google_places # Google places autocomplete widgets for...
flutter udid flutter_udid # Plugin to retrieve a persistent UDID across app reinstalls on...
image picker for web image_picker_for_web # A web implementation of image_picker. Limitations on the web...