flutter ringtone player flutter_ringtone_player # A simple ringtone, alarm & notification player plugin. ...
frontend server client This package provides a client interface around the frontend_server compiler which ships with...
modal progress hud nsn modal_progress_hud_nsn # A simple widget wrapper to enable modal progress...
flutter windowmanager flutter_windowmanager # A Flutter plugin for manipulating Android WindowManager LayoutParams
audio service audio_service # This plugin wraps around your existing audio code to allow it to...
watcher A file system watcher. What's this? # package:watcher monitors changes to contents of directories...
flex color scheme FlexColorScheme # Use FlexColorScheme to make beautiful Flutter Material Design themes....
google maps flutter web google_maps_flutter_web # The web implementation of google_maps_flutter. Powered by a14n's google_maps...
sensors plus sensors_plus # A Flutter plugin to...
shimmer animation Shimmer Animation # Supports Null Safety This...
intl utils Intl Utils # Dart package that creates a binding between...
flutter localized locales flutter_localized_locales # flutter_localized_locales is a Flutter package which enables obtaining localized...
tutorial coach mark TutorialCoachMark # Create a beautiful and easy tutorial for your application.
flutter phoenix Flutter Phoenix # Easily restart your application from scratch, losing any previous state....
numberpicker NumberPicker # NumberPicker is a custom widget designed for choosing an integer or decimal number...
audio session audio_session # This plugin informs the operating system of the nature of your audio...
cloud firestore web cloud_firestore_web # The web implementation of cloud_firestore. Getting Started # To...
getwidget GetWidget, a leading Flutter app development company, proudly operates as a 100% free and open-source platform....
google sign in ios google_sign_in_ios # The iOS and macOS implementation of google_sign_in. Usage #
rflutter alert RFlutter Alert # RFlutter Alert is super customizable and easy-to-use alert/popup dialogs for Flutter....
agora rtc engine agora_rtc_engine #
term glyph This library contains getters for useful Unicode glyphs as well as plain ASCII alternatives....
dart jsonwebtoken JSON Web Token (JWT) # A dart implementation of the famous javascript...
external path external_path # external_path is a flutter plugin that provides internal, external storage path and...
gradient borders Gradient borders # Various borders that use gradient instead of boring plain...