currency text input formatter Currency Text Input Formatter # Currency Text Input Formatter for...
hexcolor hexcolor_example # how to use the hexcolor plugin. hex color plugin allows you to...
http multi server An implementation of dart:io's HttpServer that wraps multiple servers and forwards methods to...
source maps This project implements a Dart pub package to work with source maps. Docs and...
file saver FileSaver # Huge Shoutout to all the contributors and the people who...
palette generator Palette Generator package # A Flutter package to extract prominent colors from...
firebase in app messaging Firebase In-App Messaging Plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use...
cli config A library to take config values from configuration files, CLI arguments, and environment variables.
html unescape html_unescape # A Dart library for unescaping HTML-encoded strings. Supports:...
flip card flip_card # A component that provides a flip card animation. It could be used...
flutter datetime picker Flutter Datetime Picker # (Pub) flutter_datetime_picker A flutter date time picker inspired...
string scanner This package exposes a StringScanner type that makes it easy to parse a string...
android intent plus android_intent_plus # This plugin allows...
shared preferences android shared_preferences_android # The Android implementation of shared_preferences. Usage # This package...
fpdart Functional programming in Dart and Flutter All the main functional programming...
toastification Toastification # Toastification is a Flutter package that allows...
otp text field OTP Text Field A flutter package to create a OTP Text Field widget...
flutter cached pdfview flutter_cached_pdfview #
clock This package provides a Clock class which encapsulates the notion of the "current time" and...
animated bottom navigation bar AnimatedBottomNavigationBar is a customizable widget inspired by dribble shot.
flutter multi formatter flutter_multi_formatter # If you want...
persistent bottom nav bar Persistent Bottom Navigation Bar # A...
drift Drift # Drift is a reactive persistence library for Flutter and Dart, built on top...
iconsax flutter_iconsax # Iconsax for Flutter
animated splash screen Animated Splash Screen # Check it out at Pub.Dev Do it your...