overlay support overlay_support # Provider support for overlay,...
web Lightweight browser API bindings built around JS interop. What's this? # This package...
file A generic file system abstraction for Dart. Features # Like dart:io, package:file supplies a...
english words english_words # A package containing the most ~5000 used English words and...
youtube player iframe Youtube Player iFrame ...
sticky headers Flutter Sticky Headers # Lets you place headers on scrollable content that...
flutter blue plus Note: this plugin is continuous work from FlutterBlue. Migrating from FlutterBlue? See Migration...
args Parses raw command-line arguments into a set of options and values. This library supports GNU...
toggle switch Toggle Switch # A simple toggle switch widget. It can be fully customized with...
pointer interceptor pointer_interceptor # iOS Web...
marquee ⏩ A Flutter widget that scrolls text infinitely. Provides many customizations including custom scroll directions,...
sqlite3 flutter libs sqlite3_flutter_libs # This package intentionally contains no Dart code. Flutter apps depending on...
purchases flutter purchases_flutter # purchases_flutter is a client for the RevenueCat subscription and purchase tracking system....
cli completion CLI Completion #
in app update Maintained by Jonas Bark in_app_update # Enables In App Updates on Android...
flutter barcode scanner flutter_barcode_scanner # A plugin for Flutter apps that adds barcode scanning support on...
awesome dialog awesome_dialog # A new Flutter package project for simple and awesome dialogs Usage...
skeletonizer Introduction Basic usage The need for fake data Annotations Creating Skeletons manually
introduction screen IntroductionScreen # Introduction Screen allows you to have a screen...
material design icons flutter material_design_icons_flutter # The Material Design Icons Icon pack available as set of...
syncfusion flutter gauges Flutter Gauges library # The Flutter Gauges library includes the data visualization widgets...
fake async This package provides a FakeAsync class, which makes it easy to deterministically test code...
tuple A library providing a tuple data structure. Status - complete # We consider this...
data table 2 ! Don't put the widgets inside unbounded parents. You don't need scrollables anymore (e.g....
http parser http_parser is a platform-independent package for parsing and serializing various HTTP-related formats. It's designed...