internet connection checker 🌍 Internet Connection Checker # ...
googleapis auth Provides support for obtaining OAuth2 credentials to access Google APIs. This package also provides...
syncfusion flutter datepicker Flutter Date Range Picker # The Flutter Date Range Picker is a lightweight...
flutter stripe Flutter Stripe # The Stripe Flutter SDK allows you to build delightful...
infinite scroll pagination Chosen as a Flutter Favorite by the Flutter Ecosystem Committee
flutter keyboard visibility Flutter Keyboard Visibility # React to keyboard visibility changes.
built value Built Values for Dart - Introduction # Built Value provides: Immutable...
cloud functions Firebase Cloud Functions for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the...
image Dart Image Library # Overview # The Dart Image Library...
chewie chewie # The video player for Flutter...
visibility detector VisibilityDetector # A VisibilityDetector widget wraps an existing Flutter widget and fires a...
xml Dart XML # ...
pull to refresh flutter_pulltorefresh #
json path RFC 9535 - JSONPath: Query Expressions for JSON in Dart #
archive archive # Overview # A Dart library to encode and...
flutter cache manager BREAKING CHANGES IN V2 CacheManager v2 introduced some breaking changes when configuring a...
syncfusion flutter pdfviewer Flutter PDF Viewer library # The Flutter PDF Viewer plugin lets you view...
email validator Email Validator.dart # A simple Dart class for validating email addresses without using RegEx....
flutter markdown Flutter Markdown # A markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the...
in app review in_app_review # Description # A Flutter...
sentry flutter Sentry SDK for Flutter # package build
flutter easyloading Flutter EasyLoading # English | 简体中文 Live Preview #
dropdown search Flutter DropdownSearch Flutter simple and robust DropdownSearch with...
app links app_links # Android App Links, Deep Links, iOS Universal Links and Custom URL schemes...
open file open_file # A plug-in that can call native APP to open files...