freezed annotation Annotations for freezed. This package does nothing without freezed.
page transition Flutter Page Transition Package # This package gives you beautiful page transitions.
easy localization Easy and Fast internationalization for your Flutter Apps ...
webdriver Provides WebDriver bindings for Dart. These use the WebDriver JSON interface, and as such, require...
firebase remote config Firebase Remote Config Plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the...
google mobile ads Google Mobile Ads for Flutter # This repository contains the source...
flutter image compress flutter_image_compress #
dtd package:dtd # A package for communicating with the Dart Tooling Daemon. What is the...
sqflite sqflite # SQLite plugin for Flutter. Supports iOS, Android and MacOS....
local auth local_auth # This Flutter plugin provides means to perform local, on-device authentication...
flutter staggered grid view flutter_staggered_grid_view # Provides a collection of Flutter grids layouts. Getting started...
syncfusion flutter charts Flutter Charts library # The Flutter Charts package is a data visualization library...
badges Installing: # In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: badges: ^3.1.2 copied to clipboard...
flutter animate Flutter Animate # A performant library that makes it simple to add almost any...
json annotation Defines the annotations used by json_serializable to create code for JSON serialization and deserialization.
yaml edit A library for YAML manipulation while preserving comments. Usage # A simple usage...
pin code fields A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields with beautiful...
flutter rating bar A simple yet fully customizable rating bar for flutter which also include a rating...
qr flutter QR.Flutter is a Flutter library for simple and fast QR code rendering via a Widget...
extension discovery A convention and utilities for package extension discovery. What's this? # A convention...
vm service interface package:vm_service_interface # A library providing an interface to implement...
hive flutter Extension for hive please go there for documentation. #
logger Logger # Small,...
flutter spinkit ✨ Flutter Spinkit # A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter....
dropdown button2 Flutter DropdownButton2 #