gql A package for working with GraphQL documents. This package exports several libraries: ...
multiple localization multiple_localization # Support for multiple abr and messages...
weather weather # This package uses the OpenWeatherMAP API to get the current weather status as...
sticky grouped list A ListView in which list items can be grouped to sections. Based on scrollable_positioned_list,...
jose ❤️ sponsor Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) library Supports JSON Web Signature (JWS),...
glassmorphism Glassmorphic Container 🔨 A Flutter package for creating Glassmorphic UI designs in an...
open settings plus open_settings_plus # A comprehensive Flutter plugin to seamlessly navigate to various settings screens...
pedometer Pedometer # This plugin allows for continuous step counting and pedestrian status using...
clippy flutter clippy_flutter # Clip your widgets with custom shapes provided. #Arc, #Arrow, #Bevel, #ButtCheek,...
flutter reorderable grid view Package for having animated Drag and Drop functionality for every type of GridView...
sembast web Sembast for the web # sembast for the Web, NoSQL persistent embedded database for...
datetime picker formfield new DateTimeField # A TextFormField that emits DateTimes and helps show Material, Cupertino,...
flutter toggle tab Flutter Tab Toggle # A Beautiful and Simple Tab/Toggle switch widget....
one of OneOf #
timer builder TimerBuilder # A widget that rebuilds itself on scheduled, periodic, or dynamically generated...
responsive grid list Responsive Grid List # A Flutter plugin to create responsive grid lists using...
flutter device type flutter_device_type # Determine the type of handheld device on Flutter. Like if the...
dart des dart_des # This algorithm is a pure dart implementation of the DES and Triple...
flutter mailer flutter_mailer # Share email content via device Email Client - supports multiple...
one context One Context to rule them all OneContext provides a simple way to...
elegant notification Elegant Notification # An elegant notification to display...
android play install referrer android_play_install_referrer # A Flutter plugin for the Android Play Install...
stylish bottom bar A collection of stylish bottom navigation bars like animated bottom bar and bubble bottom...
newrelic mobile New Relic Flutter Agent # This agent allows you to instrument Flutter...
progress indicators Flutter progress indicators # With this project, we are aiming to provide some cool,...