gal Gal Dart3 plugin for saving image or video to photos gallery
validators validators # String validation and sanitization for Dart. Dart 2-compatible version of...
scan scan # scan qrcode & barcode in widget tree. decode qrcode &...
image picker android image_picker_android # The Android implementation of image_picker. Usage # This package...
mqtt client mqtt_client # A server and browser based MQTT client for...
flick video player Flick Video Player # Flick Video Player is a video player for flutter.
bloc test A Dart package that makes testing blocs and cubits easy. Built to work with bloc...
dio cache interceptor Dio HTTP cache interceptor with multiple stores respecting HTTP directives (or not). HTTP...
amplify flutter amplify_flutter # The top level module for Amplify Flutter. Category / Platform Support...
localstorage LocalStorage # LocalStorage for Flutter. Important LocalStorage is not intended to...
pay A plugin to add payments to your Flutter application. Platform Support # ...
google generative ai The Google AI Dart SDK enables developers to use Google's state-of-the-art generative AI...
month picker dialog month_picker_dialog # Internationalized material style dialog for picking a...
dds A package used to spawn the Dart Developer Service (DDS), which is used to communicate with...
story view story_view # Story view for apps with stories.
browser launcher Provides a standardized way to launch web browsers. Currently, Chrome is the only supported...
external app launcher Overview # A Flutter plugin which helps you to open another app from...
convex bottom bar English | 简体中文 The official BottomAppBar can only...
desktop drop desktop_drop # A plugin which allows user dragging files to your flutter...
rally assets
easy stepper About # ...
platform device id platform_device_id # get device id from android、ios、windows、linux、mac、web Description # ...
pointycastle Pointy Castle # A Dart library for encryption and decryption. In this release,...
flutter displaymode Flutter Display Mode # A Flutter plugin to set display mode in...
phone numbers parser Phone Numbers Parser # Dart library for parsing phone numbers. Inspired by Google's...