image picker for web image_picker_for_web # A web implementation of image_picker. Limitations on the web...
node preamble node_preamble.dart # A simple package for a better dart2js preamble for running on node.js....
mixpanel flutter Table of Contents # Introduction Quick Start Guide...
like button like_button # Language: English | 中文简体 Like Button is a flutter...
graphql GraphQL Client implementation to interact with any...
circular countdown timer Circular Countdown Timer # Make an animated circular countdown using Circular Countdown Timer.
flutter styled toast flutter_styled_toast # A Styled Toast Flutter package. You can highly customize toast...
shelf router Web Request Router for Shelf # Shelf makes it easy to build web...
mocktail 🍹 mocktail # Mock library...
firebase core web firebase_core_web # The web implementation of firebase_core. To learn more about Firebase,...
flutter credit card Flutter Credit Card # A Flutter package allows you...
google maps webservice google_maps_webservice # General Information # This...
google sign in android google_sign_in_android # The Android implementation of google_sign_in. Usage # This...
dynamic color dynamic_color # A Flutter package to create Material color schemes based on...
cross file cross_file # An abstraction to allow working with files across multiple platforms. Usage...
universal io Overview # A cross-platform dart:io that works on all platforms, including browsers....
open file plus open_file_plus # A plug-in that can call native APP to open...
stream channel This package exposes the StreamChannel interface, which represents a two-way communication channel. Each StreamChannel...
file testing Testing utilities intended to work with package:file Features # This package provides a...
process runner Process # The process_runner package for Dart uses the ProcessManager class from process...
material color utilities material_color_utilities # Algorithms and utilities that power the Material Design 3...
form field validator form_field_validator # A straightforward flutter form field validator that provides common validation options.
barcode scan2 Reborned🎉 # Original barcode_scan was discontinued, so barcode_scan2 was borned with sound null safety...
oktoast oktoast # A library for flutter....
custom refresh indicator Custom Refresh Indicator # Create your own custom refresh indicator widget...