gradient borders Gradient borders # Various borders that use gradient instead of boring plain...
avatar glow Avatar Glow # An Avatar Glow Flutter Widget with cool background glowing animation....
shrine images
flutter jailbreak detection flutter_jailbreak_detection # Flutter jailbreak and root detection plugin. It uses RootBeer on...
expandable page view expandable_page_view # A PageView widget adjusting its height to currently displayed page. It...
decimal Dart Decimals # This project enable to make computations on decimal numbers without...
pie chart Pie Chart # This Flutter package provides a Pie Chart Widget with cool animation.
firebase performance platform interface firebase_performance_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the firebase_performance plugin. This...
flutter countdown timer CountdownTimer # A simple flutter countdown timer widget.Count down through the end timestamp,Trigger...
flutter datetime picker plus Flutter Datetime Picker Plus # Forked from (Pub) flutter_datetime_picker as it had...
flutter chat ui Flutter Chat UI Actively maintained, community-driven chat UI implementation with an...
stop watch timer stop_watch_timer # Developed with 💙 by Never inc. ...
shared preferences foundation shared_preferences_foundation # The iOS and macOS implementation of shared_preferences. Usage #...
wechat assets picker Flutter WeChat Assets Picker # ...
shelf packages handler A package that provides a shelf handler for serving a packages/ directory. It's...
stack trace This library provides the ability to parse, inspect, and manipulate stack traces produced by...
vector math Introduction # A Vector math library for 2D and 3D applications. Features #
facebook app events facebook_app_events # Flutter plugin for Facebook App Events. ...
source span About this package # source_span is a library for tracking locations in source code....
firebase performance web firebase_performance_web # Web implementation of firebase_performance_platform_interface. To execute the unit test, run...
graphql flutter GraphQL Flutter Flutter Widgets wrapper around...
typed data Helper libraries for working with typed data lists. The typed_data package contains utility functions...
discoveryapis commons Used by Dart code that accesses APIs defined by the API Discovery Service....
loading indicator LoadingIndicator # A collection of out of the...
version version # A dart library providing a Version object...