animated splash screen Animated Splash Screen # Check it out at Pub.Dev Do it your...
maps launcher Maps launcher for Flutter # A simple package that uses url_launcher to launch...
video player avfoundation video_player_avfoundation # The iOS and macOS implementation of video_player. Usage #...
js Important: Prefer using dart:js_interop instead of this package for JS interop. See the JS interop...
image size getter image_size_getter # Do not completely decode the image file, just read the metadata...
gallery saver Gallery Saver for Flutter # Saves images and videos from network or temporary file...
loader overlay Introduction # Have you ever found yourself in the situation of doing some async...
coverage Coverage provides coverage data collection, manipulation, and formatting for Dart. ...
tint Tint # Tint is a library for terminal string styling extended upon Dart's String type.
stream transform Extension methods on Stream adding common transform operators. Operators # asyncMapBuffer, asyncMapSample, concurrentAsyncMap...
event bus Event Bus # A simple Event Bus using Dart Streams for decoupling applications.
keyboard actions Keyboard Actions # Add features to the Android / iOS keyboard in...
dart console A Dart library for building console applications.
timelines A powerful & easy to use timeline package for Flutter! 🚀 Caveat: This...
pub semver Handles version numbers and version constraints in the same way that pub does....
flutter share Share Plugin # ** This plugin was discontinued after the flutter official...
quiver A set of utility libraries for Dart that makes using many Dart libraries easier and...
simple animations 🎬 Simple Animations # Simple Animations simplifies the...
flutter contacts flutter_contacts # Flutter plugin to read,...
restart app Restart app in Flutter # A Flutter plugin that helps you to restart the...
store redirect store_redirect # A Flutter plugin to redirect users to an app page...
formz 📝 Formz # Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄
syncfusion flutter datagrid Flutter DataGrid (DataTable) library # The Flutter DataTable or DataGrid is used to...
video player android video_player_android # The Android implementation of video_player. Usage # This package...
internet connection checker plus Internet Connection Checker Plus # A Flutter package to check your internet...