lavaperipherals 0.1.0 Lava Peripherals Lava-peripherals is a library to the open-source framework Lava that adds support...
lavaoptimization 0.5.0 Neuromorphic Constrained Optimization Library A library of solvers that leverage neuromorphic hardware for constrained...
latestuseragents 0.0.4 Installation To install via pip: pip install latest-user-agents Or download the source...
langscikw 0.0.1 Keyword extraction from langsci publications langscikw is a Python package and command line tool...
larqzoo 2.3.2 Larq Zoo For more information, see Larq Zoo is part...
larq 0.13.3 Larq is an open-source deep learning library for training neural networks with extremely low precision...
larkambigtools 1.0.0 lark-ambig-tools lark-ambig-tools is a collection of utilities for lark's ambiguous parse trees[^1]....
lark2ldap 0.1.0 Poetry Template Django app template, using poetry-python as dependency manager. This project is...
LargeImageViewer 1.1.0 Large-Image-Viewer A...
laravelyuanmajiexi 2024.3.3.0 laravel 源码解析 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/laravel-yuanma-jiexi docker run -tid -p...
laptools 0.2.6 laptools is currently unstable. Fast Assignment Problem Solvers
lapixdl 0.11.0 LAPiX DL - Utils for Computer Vision Deep Learning research This package contains utilitary...
lapanic 0.5.0 iOS Panic Parser Description Installation Usage Example
languageworld 0.1.1 Language-World A language and robotics benchmark based on Meta-World. Language-World is packaged as...
LANDMarkClassifier 2.1.1 LANDMark Implementation of a decision tree ensemble which splits each node using...
landfall 0.3.5 Landfall: Easy to use functions for plotting geographic data on static maps ...
lacogito 0.0.1 lacogito-python Python client for LaCogito
LaminBID 3.0.0 LaminB-ID Introduction This project was created to improve the current method of phenotyping...
laminar 2022.5a1 laminar "slow is smooth, and smooth is fast" laminar...
labrat 0.1.1 A graphical color picker for the CIELAB color space that allows conversion to and...
labpartneruom 1.0.8 LabPartner - A Tool for Undergraduate Physics Students Struggling with Lab? Me...
lablone 0.1.0 lablone A CLI to back up all your...
LabGym 2.5.2 LabGym: quantifying user-defined behaviors ...
kustomize 0.6.0 Build your Kubernetes manifests for Kustomize in Python! PyPI: Repository:...
kuryrlib 3.0.0 Team and repository tags kuryr ...