kio 0.1.0 kio
kivymdextensions.filemanager 0.1.5 File Manager Desktop file manager developed on the Kivy platform using the...
kint1245djangopolls 0.1 Polls is a Django app to conduct web-based polls. For each question, visitors can...
kindtool 0.0.4 kindtool Python program for simplyfing workflows with kind. kind is a tool for...
kingdomguardian 0.0.1.dev2 guardian Simple but safe authorization and authentication facilities. Features JWT...
kingdomchisel 0.0.1.dev2 chisel ⛏ Common sharpening utilities to our python backends. Usage pip install...
kilonovaheatingrate 0.1.0 kilonova-heating-rate This is a Python package to calculate kilonova light curves using the...
kickoff 0.5.11 Kickoff Kickoff turns your Python script or module into an application with decent user...
kicadODE 0.1.0 Spice model generator for Kicad's NGSpice solver Generates a Kicad model and corresponding ngspice...
kiaraplugin.tabular 0.5.5 kiara plugin: (tabular) kiara data-types and modules for working with tables and databases....
kiaraplugin.streamlit 0.5.1 kiara plugin: (streamlit) Streamlit UI and widgets for kiara Documentation:
kiaraplugin.service 0.4.7 kiara plugin: (service) A plugin to create, run and manage a service for kiara...
kiaraplugin.develop 0.5.2 kiara plugin: (develop) Development utilities for kiara. Documentation: Code:...
kiaraplugin.coretypes 0.5.1 kiara plugin: (core-types) Core data types for kiara. Documentation:
kiara 0.5.12 kiara A data-centric workflow orchestration framework. kiara user documentation:
keyvalues1 1.1.0 KeyValues1 Parser for version 1 of...
keystonerxt 0.0.4 Keystone-RXT Authentication Plugin This repo is a simple authentication plugin for Rackspace Global Auth...
keystonemiddleware 10.7.0 Middleware for the OpenStack Identity API (Keystone) This package contains...
keystoneauthoidc 1.0.0 OpenID Connect support for OpenStack clients ...
keystoneauth1 5.8.0 Team and repository tags ...
keystone 25.0.0 OpenStack Keystone provides authentication, authorization and service discovery mechanisms via HTTP primarily for use...
keygen 0.0.3 keygen v0.0.3 Простой кейген для генерации всевозможных ключей, токенов и т.п. Установка...
keyedtensor 0.3.0 keyedtensor keyed torch tensors
keylime 7.10.0 Note: Keylime Python modules do not have a stable API and might change without notice!
kerasjiaochengxingkongliang 2024.3.5.0 Keras 教程(xingkongliang) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/keras-jiaocheng-xingkongliang docker run -tid -p...