jsoni18n 1.0.0 py-jsoni18n A simple i18n system using json + pycountry alpha_3 ISO codes
jsonobjectcouchdbkit 1.1.0 About the jsonobject fork of couchdbkit jsonobject-couchdbkit is a fork of couchdbkit that replaces...
jsonnumpy 2.1.0 json-numpy Description json-numpy provides lossless...
jsonmodels 2.7.0 jsonmodels is library to make it easier for you to deal with structures that...
jsonmgnt 1.1.1 jsonmgnt A simple JSON parsing tool. Installation Install it via pip:...
jsonapipydantic 0.2.5 jsonapi-pydantic JSON:API implementation with Pydantic. ...
jsonadvanced 0.9.0 Extended JSON Encoder The json-advanced is Python package provides an extended JSON encoder class,...
jsonabler 0.2.2 jsonabler Python package for making your classes easy encodable to JSON string and vice-versa.
json5kit 0.4.0 json5kit A Roundtrip parser and CST for JSON, JSONC and JSON5. JSON5 is...
JSFinder2 0.2 JSFinder2 Find subdomains and urls in js files
jservicepy 1.0 jServicePy API wrapper for jService (comes with a commmand-line game implementation!) ...
jschonshamelessdowngrade 0.7.0 jschon-shamelessdowngrade A fork of marksparkza's excellent jschon, shamelessly downgraded to get Python 3.6 compatibility.
jschon 0.11.1 A JSON toolkit for Python developers. Features JSON Schema...
jrnlmw 1.3.4 jrnl jrnl is a personal journal management application. Usage Setup Set...
jps2sm 1.16 jps2sm A project to migrate torrents from JPopSuki to SugoiMusic jps2sm...
johannpluginexample 0.1.0a0 Johann Plugin Example This repository is an example "plugin" for Johann consisting of the...
johann 0.3.0a0 Johann Johann is a lightweight and flexible “scenario orchestrator”. It makes it easy to
joeflow 1.3.0 joeflow The lean workflow automation framework for machines with heart.
jodium 0.1.0 Jodium Installing Install and update using pip: $ pip install -U jodium
joaodemo123 0.1.2 First python package I am learning how to use Python and following the guide...
jiraprinter 0.0.1 Jira does not provide a nice printable layout for tickets and nicer printing options...
JiraLens 1.0.3 Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner For JIRA.
jiraclient 0.0.10 This project provides a client library for working with Jira boards, epics, sprints and issues.
jiraagiletoolbox 0.0.13 jira_agile_toolbox A python package...
jira2confluencegantt 0.3.3 Jira to Confluence gantt chart generator Table of Contents...