jaraco.site 7.1.0
jaraco.services 4.0.0
jaraco.postgres 5.2.0 Routines and fixtures for launching and managing PostgreSQL instances. Pytest Plugin
jaraco.pmxbot 6.2.0 Plugins for pmxbot by jaraco.
jaxcodex 0.0.1 CoDeX CoDeX contains learned data compression tools for JAX. You can use this...
janusmskit 1.2.0 Python Microservices Library
javascriptfixes 1.1.29 JSPyBridge Interoperate Node.js and Python. You...
javascriptfix 1!1.1.3 JSPyBridge Interoperate Node.js and Python. You...
javascript 1!1.2.1 JSPyBridge Interoperate Node.js and Python. You...
javapropertiescli 0.8.0 GitHub | PyPI | Documentation | Issues | Changelog javaproperties-cli...
javaproperties 0.8.1 GitHub | PyPI | Documentation | Issues | Changelog javaproperties...
javaniojianmingjiaocheng 2024.3.3.0 Java NIO简明教程 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/java-nio-jianming-jiaocheng docker run -tid -p...
javamianshibiji 2024.3.3.0 Java 面试笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/java-mianshi-biji docker run -tid -p...
javajichujiaochengcyuyanzhongwenwang 2024.3.4.0 Java 基础教程(C 语言中文网) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/java-jichujiaocheng-c-yuyan-zhongwenwang docker run -tid...
javahexinjishu36jiangliyunhuawan 2024.3.3.0 Java 核心技术 36 讲(李运华)(完) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/java-hexinjishu-36-jiang-liyunhua-wan docker run...
ivyweb 0.0.2 ivy-web Run Unified AI Framework ivy on web
jackmatchmaker 0.11.0 jack-matchmaker Auto-connect JACK ports as they appear and when they match the port patterns
JACKClient 0.5.4 This Python module (named jack) provides bindings for the JACK library. Documentation:
ITRexamples 1.1.6 [!IMPORTANT] On June 26 2024, Linux Foundation announced the merger of its financial services...
itallic 0.0.8 ITALLIC: A tool for automatically identifying and correcting errors in location based plant breeding data
ITR 1.1.6 [!IMPORTANT] On June 26 2024, Linux Foundation announced the merger of its financial services...
itmagazineswebscraper 0.1.1 itmagazines-webscraper This libraly is a web scraper for web pages of following IT-Magazines....
iswire 1.2.1 is-wire Pub/Sub middleware for the is...
itksn 0.2.2 itksn v0.2.2 Helper utility for parsing ITk Serial Numbers ...
istioguanfangwendangzhongwenban 2024.3.4.0 Istio官方文档中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/istio-guanfang-wendang-zhongwenban docker run -tid -p <port>:80...