hbschrsampleproject 0.0.1 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
hazelcastpythonclient 5.5.0 Hazelcast is an open-source distributed in-memory data store and computation platform that provides a...
hasytools 0.1.2 hasy_tools hasy_tools is a support package for the HASY dataset. The dataset is...
hasy 0.3.1 Please refer to the HASY paper for details about the dataset. If you want...
hashtools 0.3.0 hashtools Hash tools collection, like md5, sha1, sha256 and many other hash tools....
hashin 1.0.1 Helps you write your requirements.txt with hashes so you can install with pip install...
hashidtools 1.0.2 HashIDTools===========.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/joeblackwaslike/hashidtools.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/joeblackwaslike/hashidtools :alt: Build Status.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat :target: https://github.com/joeblackwaslike/hashidtools :alt: Github Repo.....
harrier 0.13.2 harrier A better static...
happykostadin 0.0.5 Happy Kostadin Find out if LF or CRLF is used. Credits
happier 0.1.0 A Python development tool that makes you Happier. Happier formats, lints and sorts your...
hapless 0.4.1 hapless
hapischema 0.8.14 hapi-sqlalchemy-schema Schema for HAPI database in SQLAlchemy
harkimagestore 1.0.0.dev4 UNKNOWN
harkbuilder 1.0.0.dev6 UNKNOWN
hark 1.0.0.dev3 UNKNOWN
hankel 1.2.2 Perform simple and accurate Hankel transformations using the method of Ogata 2005. Hankel...
hanguljamo 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hangthepyman 0.1.3 HangThePyMan Classic Hangman game with Pygame & Python touch. ...
handlingandprocessingstringsinr 2024.3.4.0 Handling and Processing Strings in R 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/handling-and-processing-strings-in-r...
hadoopthedefinitiveguide4ezhongwenban 2024.3.4.0 Hadoop The Definitive Guide 4e 中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/hadoop-the-definitive-guide-4e-zhongwenban...
hamqth 0.1.3 Python HamQTH A HamQTH client library for Python. HamQTH provides a...
halonapi 0.0.6 halon-api A Python wrapper for the API for Mail Transport Agent Halon build with...
habito 1.2.0 Habito Simple commandline habits tracker. Installation...
hab 0.42.0 Hab A launcher that lets you configure software distributions and how they are consumed...
hako 0.0.5 Hako: Command Line Cloud Storage Hako is a command line cloud storage client, intefacing...