gradiopromptweighting 0.0.2 gradio_promptweighting Simple component for creating prompt weighting for real-time generation. Installation
gradiopointpromptableimage 0.0.3 gradio_point_promptable_image A webcam-compatible Gradio input component enabling point-based prompting. Installation...
gradiopdf 0.0.13 gradio_pdf Easily display PDFs in Gradio Installation pip install gradio_pdf
graphqlcore 3.2.3 GraphQL-core 3 GraphQL-core 3 is a Python 3.6+ port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScript...
graphonedrive 0.4.0 Graph-OneDrive Interact with Microsoft's OneDrive service using the Graph API. The Graph-OneDrive package...
graphnet 0.1.2 Graphnet A lightweight python library for graph and networks manipulation and visualization
graphml 0.0.1 GraphML TBD
gradiohdrimage 0.0.1 gradio_hdrimage Component to load and display HDR images Installation pip...
gradiogrcalendar 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gradiogradiodatetime 0.0.4 tags: [gradio-custom-component, DateTime, datetime, safari] title: gradio_gradio_datetime short_description: datetime for safari colorFrom:...
gradiogptchatbot 0.0.4 gradio_gptchatbot A Custom Gradio component. Example usage import gradio as gr...
gradiofrp 3.41.0.post1 Build & share delightful machine learning apps easily ...
gradiofolium 0.0.6
gradio_foliumA Custom Gradio component for displaying maps built with Folium.Example usageimport gradio as grfrom gradio_folium import Folium
tags: [gradio-custom-component, SimpleTextbox] title: gradio_fep_result_table short_description: colorFrom: blue colorTo: yellow sdk: gradio pinned: false
graphenedjangoqueryoptimizer 0.9.0 Graphene Django Query Optimizer ...
graphenedjangopermissions 1.0.0 graphene-django-permissions A performant, holistic view-permissions layer...
graphenedjangohook 1.0.0 graphene-django-precommit-hook pre-commit hook to generate .graphql | .json graphql schema for graphene-django. As...
graphenedjangoextensions 0.4.5 Graphene Django Extensions
gradioclickablearrowdropdown 0.0.3 gradio_clickable_arrow_dropdown Dropdown component where clicking arrow on the side displays dropdown options Installation
gradiocategoricalslider 0.0.4 tags: [gradio-custom-component, Slider] title: gradio_categoricalslider short_description: colorFrom: blue colorTo: yellow...
gradiocalendar 0.0.4 gradio_calendar Gradio component for selecting dates with a calendar 📆 Installation
graphenechainmutation 1.1.0 graphene-chain-mutation Provide feature to allow chaining mutations using Graphene-python I created this package...
gradientcentralizationtf 0.0.3 Gradient Centralization TensorFlow
gradgpad 2.1.0 gradgpad 🗿 👉 The GRAD-GPAD framework is a comprehensive and modular framework to evaluate...
gradechangeemailer 0.1.5 This is a simple python script that checks for new grades at the FH...