simple sqflite simple_sqflite # simple_sqflite能做什么 # simple_sqflite 是一个对插件sqflite进行主要简化封装 可使用单条增、删、改、查、多条事务提交功能 本插件在原有sqflite基础上进行封装省去手写创建db文件,关闭流等操作、只需手写sql调用函数即可 ...
gesture pass study gesture_pass # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
blur matrix BlurMatrix # A Flutter widget that draws a matrix of colors like gradients also...
logger flutter console Flutter extension for logger. Please go to there for documentation.
kgeek calendar Kgeek_calendar # Calendar widget for flutter...
xdatabase A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import 'package:xdatabase/xdatabase.dart';
dart nats streaming Dart-NATS-Streaming # A null-safety Dart client for the NATS Streaming messaging system. Design...
stack percentage stack_percentage # Flexible control of elements inside stack by percentage Getting Started #
active dart active_dart # Helpful Ruby-on-Rails style helpers to make the code readable.
nan scan nan_scan # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
premade widgets premade_widgets # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
screenshot observer plugin screenshot_observer_plugin # A plugin created for ios and android Getting Started #
xdbgen A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import 'package:xdbgen/xdbgen.dart';
modular shelf About # A dependency injection system for shelf, heavily based on the dependency declaration...
shelf request response 2 jsonable object utility A class of conversions between Shelf.Request in instances of jsonable_objects...
jsonable object Reason # Modern web applications communicate via Json, this small plugin aims to expose...
shelf controller flow manager Which is? # ShelfControllerFlowManager is a utility package to handle the application's...
blsdk plugin blsdk_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
dereference A command line application for extracting citations in Swinburne-Harvard styling from .ris files. Extacting a...
ioc annotation IoC Annotation # Quickly generate IoC singleton objects through annotations. Installation #...
tele bot api A simple command-line application.
logging service The service for advanced work with logging # Motivation: You start using logging...
fluttermoonwalkmj fluttermoonwalk # A new Flutter package which helps developers to create into walkthrough Getting...
easy tab controller easy_tab_controller # A user-friendly TabBarController widget for flutter developer. Getting Started #
lowdb A simple command-line application.
xdg thumbnails xdg_thumbnails # Access XDG thumbnails on Unix systems. Features # ...
flutter pigeon flutter_pigeon # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
d term prompter sg Simple Dart Terminal prompter
shelf rest core shelf_rest_core # A concise core shelf for creating monolithic dart API's based on...
android scheme search android_scheme_search # A plugin that search apps according to the given url scheme.
dartwiki A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style
linkv rtm LinkV Flutter集成文档 # 技术交流及商务合作欢迎进QQ群交流:1160896626 一、集成linkv_rtm插件 # 在pubspec.yaml中添加以下依赖 dependencies: linkv_rtm: ^0.3.8
tzidenty tz # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
basic file basic_file # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
paddinger Paddinger # Paddinger is a Flutter package to generate Padding widgets. Given a set...
codigojaguar jaguar # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
dt aiui plugin dt_aiui_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
faunadb data This is a simple library that gives you CRUD operations for FAUNA. Usage #
responsive elements Responsive # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
cmdb cmdb # A Flutter plugin to store and get access to information to/from Firebase Realtime...
kui kui # kimia ui Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
kstyle kstyle # kimia style Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
floating menu options floating_menu_options # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
linkfo linkfo # Retrieve basic information from links using sealed unions to better handle possible cases.
separate phone number input dseparate_phone_number_input # This is an input box that automatically separates the phone...
lailaoplugin lailaoplugin # Lailaolab Flutter Plugin ສໍາລັບນັກພັດທະນາຄົນລາວທີ່ຕ້ອງການເອົາໄປຕໍ່ຍອດຂອງການພັດທະນາແອັບມືຖືໂດຍນໍາໃຊ້ flutter ວິທີຕິດຕັ້ງ #
qcolor qcolor # Quasar Color palette in flutter Usage # void main() {...
weather unit Weather unit # Standardise weather unit with conversion and operator support in Dart
processors Processors # Quick Intro Class: ProcessorPool Class:...
hello world dart hello-world-dart # dead simple hello world written in dart
markdown io markdown_editable_textinput # MarkdownEditableTextInput is a TextField Widget that allow you to convert easily what's...
reruner A simple command-line application for restarting your tests or server after changing source files. Tested...
otp widget otp_widget # Generic OTP Widget Getting Started # This project is a...
dt flutter app upgrade 官网地址: 添加依赖 # 1、在pubspec.yaml中加入: dependencies: flutter_app_upgrade: ^1.1.0
chewie hooks chewie_hooks # flutter_hooks for ChewieController and VideoPlayerController.
former former - Easy form building in Flutter # Motivation # Formik is...
former gen former_gen # Code generation for former. Usage # Make sure...
dartils dartils # A collection of helpful utility functions written in pure dart. This package...
three x plus 1 Introduction # This is a relatively application and set of libraries that...
itwo flutter net itwo_net # 一、引用 dependencies: itwo_net: git: url:
base getx base_getx # A template app Flutter using GetX Getting Started # This...
skyscrapeapi SkyScrapeAPI # SkyScrapeAPI enables developers to easily access a...
kooboo openvidu kooboo_openvidu # openvidu sdk dart implement Getting Started # Session #...
flutter aadhaar xml sdk flutter_aadhaar_xml_sdk # A Flutter plugin to get details from aadhaar...
flutter tycontact flutter_tycontact # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
testsweets generator TestSweets Generator # a generator that extracts your keys into a place where it...
bui component Use CRM for Flutter apps. # 🔥 Star and Share 🔥 the repo to...
netcoresync moor generator netcoresync_moor_generator # Client Client...
devmagic ui Devmagic UI Kit # Projeto com componentes visuais para o Flutter Getting Started...
ubwidget ubwidget # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
hl des hl_des # Flutter DES encryption and decryption. Supported: DES/CBC/PKCS7Padding Getting Started #
scaling elements scaling_elements # A package containing scaling text and padding widgets.
flutter lid Lid # ...
test kakao flutter sdk kakao_flutter_sdk # Flutter SDK for Kakao API. Currently supports Android and...
flutter package first demo flutter_package # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
ft Flutter Tester # A Dart package that lets you test your Flutter apps in headless...
flutterx barcode flutterx_barcode # Barcode flutter plugin for reading/writing barcode in multiple formats Import #
clozhome wechat kit wechat_kit # flutter版微信SDK
dt webview flutter WebView for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView...
jsonjs JSON JS # import 'package:jsonjs/main.dart'; void main(List<String> args) { var json...
pub readme test pub_readme_test # test-0test-1test-2to-custom-anchorNew Line Table #
base mvvm flutter_mvvm # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # dependencies: base_mvvm:...
keyboard info Keyboard Info # This...
wiseair flutter services Wiseair Flutter Services # An API to access Wiseair's air quality data....
tagger tagger # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
flutter canvasnest Introduction # Implementation of hustcc canvas_nest in Flutter. See example here.
android disable auto sign in android_disable_auto_sign_in # This is a simple Flutter plugin to disable Android...
to string plus to_string_plus # A tool for generating toString method for...
wui wui # This package is User Interface collection for Wajek Studio Apps. It using the...
flutter tracker wdiget flutter_tracker_wdiget # 这是一个支持滚动播放和合理曝光的组件 Getting Started # 1、pubspec.yaml flutter_tracker_wdiget: any...
itwo flutter base itwo_flutter_base # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
flutterx material tool flutterx_material_tool # Reverse engineered Google material tool allows to generate material palette from...
cloudbase storage nullsafety Cloudbase Storage Nullsafety for Flutter #
cloudbase database nullsafety Cloudbase Database Nullsafety for Flutter #
hover ussd hover_ussd # ...
flutter umeng analytics push 友盟分析推送Flutter插件(flutter_umeng_analytics_push) # 用法 # Flutter导入 # 1、自动集成 dependencies:...
observable locator Observable Locator # A service locator that uses MobX to simplify the API...
k ble peripheral k_ble_peripheral # A Flutter package for using ble in Peripheral mode(both Advertising and...
no shimmer NoShimmer # A simple colored box widget, typically used for showing loading indicator. This...
modulary Not production ready library to make modular Flutter apps