polgiust calendar TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
flutter document reader core fulauthrfid beta Document Reader Core (Flutter) # Regula Document Reader SDK allows...
goap bh goap # A library for Dart developers. It is awesome. Usage #...
thindek ui thindek_ui # Flutter UI toolkit for developing thindek's mobile applications Getting Started #
popup bubble Popup Bubble # A Flutter Plugin 项目介绍 一个在Flutter端的气泡弹窗组件,通过长按或者单击唤出气泡弹窗 安装使用
x payment method TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
easistent client easistent_client # An eAsistent client Flutter package Usage # // Login with...
smooch plugin smooch_plugin # Smooch resources on Flutter Getting Started # This project is...
batman Batman is a System Integrity Monitor # Batman includes: a file integrity...
riverpod bloc stream riverpod_bloc_stream # A BlocStreamProvider for the riverpod package. Usage # A...
gmo camera picker gmo_camera_picker # A camera picker which is an extension install #...
tokengenerationapp tokengenerationapp # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
micro bloc MicroBLoC # Micro bloc is a dead-simple flutter state management...
stack pie chart stack_pie_chart # A Flutter plugin to create stacked pie chart
appsinfo Apps Info # This is a flutter plugin to get apps info. Here's the methods...
sexydialog TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
ministate A Minimalistic approach to State Management in Flutter. This is inspired by State Management for...
own keyboard Introduction # Number keyboard Usage # TextEditingController textEditingController = TextEditingController();
jc kit jc_kit # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
cloudnary flutter cloudnary_flutter # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
social login all TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
applozic flutter Applozic flutter chat plugin # A flutter wraper for Applozic native android and iOS...
global loader global_loader # A Flutter Package which will start Global Loader from any where in...
sunilpack TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
dialogbysunil Example # import 'package:dialogbysunil/dialogbysunil.dart'; SunilDialog( icon: Icon( Icons.exit_to_app, color: Colors.red,...
bulma min bulma_min (minified assets packaged for Dart projects) # Bulma is a CSS Framework....
volca flutter volca_flutter # 功能 # 对于敏感API进行拦截,或控制其调用频率。这样可以确保App及第三方SDK在用户授权前不能访问敏感API,用户授权后也控制敏感API的调用频率。保护用户的同时也更容易上架过审 适配环境 # ABI...
customize tabbar view customize_tabbar_view # 使用方法具体的可以参考Example中main.dart文件 # 功能介绍 # 跟系统的TabBar不同,customize_tabbar_view是通过绘制路径、剪切实现的菱形视觉效果,如果本例需求满足需要可以自行下载编辑。 后期会慢慢尝试添加新的功能 ![]example.gif
flutter lock new screen TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
sms export import sms_export_import # This package is used for import and export messages in your...
geiger dummy data Authors # Nosa Daniel Ahanor @FHNW #GEIGER DUMMY...
kiwi pattern kiwi_pattern # Kiwi state manager for flutter widgets and states Getting Started #
level indicator Level Indicator # Level Indicator for flutter offer a flexible progressbar with changes to...
adaptic Adaptive # This package provides set of widgets and functions which makes it easy and...
graph logic This package include classes describing logic of graph. Features # You can create...
offline first Dart Lang Package Boilerplate # This package includes basic pubspec.yaml configuration file, required folders,...
softcorp flutter core softcorp_flutter_core # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
ministate history As an addition to the minimalistic state manager ministate, this plugin adds history to the...
carota ui 我只是把它升级到了空安全版本,如果有其他问题请到原作者仓库 原仓库地址 https://github.com/Rannie/flui ...
fluttable Fluttable # A minimal yet powerful approach to editable data tables which can
backyard Backyard # Spawn an abstraction of a permanent isolate called Backyard on which you can...
flash data finder 作者 gaoyong 创建时间 2020-11-30 12:56:02
formaster Create form easy and fast. Create fields once and use their many times Why field...
mission bar Create mission bar with ease. Ussage # MissionBar( value: 10,
dyna Dyna # Dyna wraps your app to provide ColorSchemes based on user wallpaper (currenly only...
json ld 2 rdf Flutter wrapper for JSON-goLD # This is a Dart wrapper for JSON-goLD.
vants ui 学习用 copied to clipboard vants_ui # 仿 vant ui 组件 Introduction...
statusbar display Progress Bar for flutter apps Usage # Include the package into the application...
horus Horus # Modular Dart Utilities Who am i? #...
hailify Description. # This package is allow your flutter client application to integrate the Hailify job...
agromart google maps place picker Google Maps Place Picker - MB edition # This...
dyna platform interface dyna_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the dyna plugin. This interface...
dyna android dyna_android # The Android implementation of wallpaper-based colors on dyna.
simplified flutter animations Simplified Flutter Animations # Simplified Animation Framework for Flutter
first open slideshow First open Slideshow # Display a slideshow on first open...
tlfs The Local-First SDK # Philosophy...
kolors kolors # The named HTML colors that you can use in your Flutter...
left press draggable Couldn't find an elegant solution so here we are. Features # A...
colored button colored_button # Colored Button package lets you add a beautiful gradient button to your...
pip services3 swagger Swagger UI for Pip.Services in Dart # This module is a part of...
list german words list_german_words # Overview # This package contains a list of german words...
list spanish words list_spanish_words # Overview # This package contains a list of spanish words...
webgl2 fundamentals utils webgl2_fundamentals_utils # Set of utilities for webgl2 based on Gregg Tavares webgl-utils.js for...
webgl fundamentals utils webgl_fundamentals_utils # Set of utilities for webgl based on Gregg Tavares webgl-utils.js for...
list russian names list_russian_names # Overview # This package contains a list of a list...
webgl fundamentals m3 webgl_fundamentals_m3 # Various 2d math functions used in the WebGL Fundamentals tutorials....
deasystate deasystate # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
admob unit ids 1. Admob Unit IDs # 1.1. What is it? # Admob Unit...
idupak TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
baydin baydin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
knovi call knovi_call # knovi_call is the One-to-One video calling using Vonage Video API. Usage...
solarized theme solarized_thema # Welcomes contribution from everyone. Solarised theme for Flutter....
flutter sickchill flutter_sickchill # Flutter package to talk to a SickChill remote instance, for a pure...
flutter transmission flutter_transmission # Flutter package to talk to a Transmission torrent instance, for a pure...
haystack client haystack # Client for SkySpark servers using haystack protocol. [Project Haystack]http://project-haystack.org/ defines a...
remote image button remote_image_button # Flutter widget to manage an image button UI from a JSON...
remote color picker remote_color_picker # Flutter widget to manage Color picker UI from a JSON definition
kiyibodi kiyibodi # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
tiny ffmpeg tiny_ffmpeg # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
testf testf # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
welcomescreenflutter TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
plural selectable Plural Selectable # # You will now be able...
vant flutter Vant Flutter # 参照 vant-v3.3.7 的 flutter 版本,参数、方法和 vant 基本一致。 添加依赖 #...
exchange rooms exchange_rooms # A flutter package to get appointments from a room on Exchange Server...
mini dialog mini_dialog # 对常用对话框的封装,有助于快速使用对话框。 The encapsulation of frequently used dialog...
match case A dart package for pattern matching. Inspired by match in Rust and when in Kotlin
dart bitcoin BitcoinDart (dart_bitcoin) # A Bitcoin package for Flutter and Dart Apps. With this package,...
indodax A simple asynchronous API Client Indodax This library is implementing Indodax Official API.
dynamic form state Dart dynamic_form_state # dynamic_form_state makes it easy to manage a changing...
kaven pkg TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
openapitodart OpenAPI to Dart # Command line Reads OpenAPI yaml file and outputs dart models...
tuple8 This package implements a new approach to Tuples in dart, getting values by type on a...
plade plade # Plade is a type-safe CLI parsing library for Dart.
flutter baidu pan plugin flutter_baidu_pan_api #
sorting native sorting_native # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
whatsdigger This is Whatsapp Group links checker and scrapper from websites or web pages having group links...
backend tool A simple command-line application.
passwd gen cli Command Line password and passphrase generator. # Command line application to generate passwords...
imcontainer ImContainer # Fancy container package lets you add a beautiful gradient container to your Flutter...
share android ios share_android_ios # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...