custom social share custom_social_share # Flutter plugin for sharing text content to most popular social media...
install plugin v2 install_plugin_v2 # A flutter plugin for install apk for android, use...
microphone microphone # Flutter (web-only at this moment) plugin for recording audio through the microphone....
field suggestion Installing # See the official installing guidline from field_suggestion/install ...
react Dart wrapper for React JS # Thanks...
flutter fast forms Flutter Fast Forms # Flutter Fast Forms...
subtitle Subtitle # A library that makes it easy to work with multiple translation file formats,...
horizontal picker Horizontal Picker # You can select your value on Horizontal Picker while scrolling on...
keyboard service keyboard_service # Keyboard visibility / (auto-) dismiss package without the need of native plugin
section view Notice: 2.0.0 has break changing The header sticky will use flutter_list_view to...
embrace Embrace SDK for Flutter # In addition to installing the SDK, you'll need to create...
chunked stream Chunked Stream Utilities # Utilities for working with chunked streams, such as Stream<List<int>>....
geobase Geospatial data structures (coordinates, geometries, features, metadata), spherical geodesy, projections and tiling schemes. Vector data...
scaffold gradient background Gradient Scaffold # A fully customizable scaffold...
flutter custom carousel slider flutter_custom_carousel_slider # A carousel slider Flutter widget, supports custom decoration...
alice dio Alice Dio # Documentation # You can find documentation here.
usercentrics sdk Usercentrics # ...
time picker sheet Time Picker Sheet # A Time picker sheet library for flutter. You can...
normalize Normalizes and denormalizes data for GraphQL operations. The normalize function writes normalized documents to a...
flutter clarity flutter_clarity # A Flutter plugin that allows integrating Microsoft Clarity with your application....
music visualizer visualizer_example # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # Show some ❤️...
convert native img stream convert_native_img_stream # Converter utility for converting ImageFormatGroup.nv21 or ImageFormatGroup.bgra8888 to jpeg file...
realm dart Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This...
modular test modular_test # Init Modules and test the integration Getting Started # Add...
widgets visibility provider widgets_visibility_provider # A library that...
string literal finder string_literal_finder # Simple command line application and analyzer plugin to find non translated...
managed configurations managed_configurations # Plugin to support managed app configuration provided by a Mobile device management...
remove diacritic Remove diacritic library # Removes accents and diacritics signs from a string by replacing...
download assets Download_assets # About # The download_assets package is a powerful library that facilitates...
flutter broadcast receiver flutter_broadcast_receiver # Enables you to broadcast events in your app. Usage #
android package manager android_package_manager # Provides access to Android's native PackageManager API to fetch various information,...
page route animator Page Route Animator Package # Flutter page route transition package, with 62 different...
ogp data extract ogp_data_extract # A simple dart library for extracting the Open Graph protocol on...
stats import 'package:stats/stats.dart'; void main() { final input = [1, 2, 3, 4,...
appcenter sdk flutter App Center SDK for Flutter # This package supports only the Analytics and...
animated visibility Animated Visibility # Animate appearance and disappearance using pre-built effects with the AnimatedVisibility widget.
vcard maintained vCard (Maintained) # Create vCards to import contacts into Outlook, iOS, Mac OS, and...
flutter tree Flutter Tree # Version1 Online Example Install #
gradient slider A slider widget, supports image thumb, track gradient and border Features #
instabug http client instabug_http_client # A dart package to support Instabug network logging for the external...
ed screen recorder ED Flutter Screen Recorder # Screen recorder plugin for Flutter. Supports IOS and...
flappy search bar ns flappy_search_bar_ns # A SearchBar widget handling most of search cases currently maintained...
code editor code_editor # A code editor (dart, js, html, ...) for Flutter with syntax highlighting...
infobip mobilemessaging Mobile Messaging SDK plugin for Flutter # Mobile Messaging SDK is designed and developed...
country list country_list # A dart library provides a list of country data like Country Name,...
shimmer effect Shimmer effect The Shimmer effect package provides a customizable widget that adds a shimmering...
range slider flutter Flutter Range Slider A Range Slider that you can customize with...
flutter gl Flutter GL # cross-platform call OpenGL API by Dart through dart:ffi. Provides OpenGL with...
high chart High Charts Package for Flutter # A Flutter package to use High Charts...
extended list extended_list # Language: English | 中文简体 extended list(ListView/GridView) support track collect...
simple month year picker Simple Month Year Picker # Simple to use month/year picker for your...
receive sharing intent plus Receive Sharing Intent Plus # A Flutter plugin to Unlock seamless content...
rive splash screen rive_splash_screen # Facilitator for having a Splash screen with a Rive...
flutter locker Flutter Locker🔒 # Flutter plugin that secures your...
flutter filereader Flutter FileReader # A local file view widget,Support a variety of file...
geohash plus geohash_plus # English, 日本語 Customizable Geohash for "bits per character" and...
webview win floating webview_win_floating # Flutter webView for Windows. It's also a plugin that implements...
local assets server local_assets_server # HTTP Server which serves local...
flu wake lock flu_wake_lock # Plugin that allows you to keep the device screen awake, i.e....
payhere mobilesdk flutter PayHere Flutter SDK # Integrating PayHere with your Flutter App is super easy...
typicons flutter typicons_flutter # Thanks to authors of Typicons # Flutter package for Typicons...
file support File Support # File support is plugin that allow you to perform file handling...
html to pdf html_to_pdf # Flutter plugin for generating PDF files from HTML...
widget loading Widget Loading #
horizontal stepper flutter Flutter Horizontal Stepper # Flutter Horizontal Stepper is a customizable package that provides...
functions framework Functions Framework for Dart # This is a community-supported project, meaning there...
stream chat Official Dart Client for Stream Chat # The official Dart client for...
configurable expansion tile configurable_expansion_tile # A Configurable Expansion Tile edited from the flutter material implementation...
rx notifier rx_notifier # The ValueNotifier is a simple, native form of Flutter reactivity. This...
cool stepper cool_stepper # CoolStepper is a widget that displays a step by step sequence of...
snap scroll physics Snap Scroll Physics # When building scrollable views, sometimes you would...
video player macos A working version of video player for MacOS only. Works with other libraries....
ussd advanced ussd_advanced # Run ussd code directly in your application Usage # Add...
kf drawer Flutter side menu (Drawer) Getting Started # Use KFDrawer widget as Scaffold's body...
animated marker AnimatedMarker # The AnimatedMarker widget is a Dart class that animates the movement of...
flet Flet # Flet is a framework for adding server-driven UI (SDUI) experiences to...
flutter getit Flutter GetIt # Languages: This...
global configs Global Configs # A flutter package to manage application configurations...
curved progress bar Progressbar that has curved edge and can add animation time duration to build the...
remove Remove # A library that makes the dumbest and simplest variable definition possible.
dashed stepper Features # Getting started # add dashed_stepper in your pubspec.yaml dependency
flutter mute flutter_mute # A Flutter plugin to check or toggle a device ringer mode....
interactive chart interactive_chart # A candlestick chart that supports pinch-to-zoom and panning. Dark mode #
horizontal blocked scroll physics Horizontal Blocked ScrollPhysics # A ScrollPhysics class that blocks movement...
storage inspector Flutter local storage inspector # This library allows...
rounded expansion tile Rounded Expansiontile # A simple combination of widgets to provide an Expansiontile with...
asset cache asset_cache # asset_cache will load and cache any asset of type T given a...
apphud Greetings! # Apphud SDK is an open-source library for iOS and Android to manage auto-renewable...
cupertino onboarding cupertino_onboarding # Flutter package...
string to hex string_to_hex # A powerful conversion of [String] or/and Hash to HEX. It...
gestures Gestures # Custom Gesture Detector for Flutter. Empower your users with custom gestures.
find dropdown FindDropdown package - [ver em português] # Simple and robust FindDropdown with item search...
polyseed Polyseed # A dart implementation of polyseed. Features # 16 mnemonic...
flutter markdown latex Flutter Markdown Latex # This extension is created to enhance the...
sembast sqflite sembast_sqflite # sembast DB for flutter on top of sqflite. Supports...
enough platform widgets enough_platform_widgets # More cross platform widgets for Flutter developers. Based...
simple autocomplete formfield SimpleAutocompleteFormField # A Flutter widget that wraps a TextFormField and assists with autocomplete...
network discovery network_discovery # Dart/Flutter library that allows to ping IP subnet and discover network devices.
pretty animated buttons Pretty Animated Buttons # Pretty Animated Buttons is a package for a collection...
tencent cloud av chat room Tencent Cloud AV Chat Room A room where users...