test process A package for testing subprocesses. This exposes a TestProcess class that wraps dart:io's...
socks5 proxy Socks5 proxy # Features # Easy to use proxy server (both...
functional widget annotation A package containing the necessary annotations for functional_widget code generator to work
sms advanced sms_advanced # This is an SMS library for Flutter. Getting Started...
flutter wallet card flutter_wallet_card # Flutter plugin which allows users to create their own Apple Wallet...
resizable widget resizable_widget # ResizableWidget enables users to resize the internal widgets by dragging. This...
device preview minus https://pub.dev/packages/device_preview_minus A temporary alternative to device_preview package...
memory cache Memory Cache # Memory Cache is simple, fast and global in-memory cache. Features...
flutter langdetect flutter_langdetect # A Flutter package for language detection, ported from the Python langdetect library.
flutter clean architecture flutter_clean_architecture Package # Overview # A Flutter package that makes...
nested scroll view plus nested_scroll_view_plus # An enhanced NestedScrollView offering overscroll support for both...
abw flutter sdk A flutter SDK contains a digital health assessment PWA (WebView) Feature :...
managed Small dependency injection library. Pure, dependency free library for dependency injection without code generation and...
polylabel polylabel # Dart port of https://github.com/mapbox/polylabel. A fast algorithm for finding polygon pole of...
torch controller torch_controller # A flutter plugin wrote to control torch/flash of the device. Installing...
arrow path Flutter arrow_path package # Draw arrows with Path objects easily. Paths can be composited...
thingsboard pe client ThingsBoard PE API client library for Dart developers. Provides model objects and services to...
storyly flutter Please check Storyly Integration Documentation
vdocipher flutter VdoCipher plugin for flutter apps. # This Flutter plugin package enables video...
ssl pinning plugin ssl_pinning_plugin # Plugin for check SSL Pinning on request HTTP. Checks the...
widget size widget_size # A widget to calculate it's size after being built and...
image preview image_preview # Preview pictures and support left and right sliding switch. ...
pie menu Flutter Pie Menu 🥧 #
web browser Overview # The package gives you Browser, a Flutter widget for displaying web...
pubspec dependency sorter Package helps to sort the flutter/dart packages and plugins alphabetically, This makes it easier...
readsms readsms # This is a plugin made for flutter to read incoming sms on the...
opentelemetry OpenTelemetry for Dart # This repository is the Dart implementation of the OpenTelemetry project. All...
flutter android meta data flutter_android_meta_data # Flutter get Android Use # In AndroidManifest.xml. #
video compress ds video_compress # Compress videos, remove audio, manipulate thumbnails, and make your video compatible...
feedback sentry feedback_sentry # Getting Started # Follow the setup instructions of sentry_flutter. Then,...
emailjs Official EmailJS SDK for Flutter # SDK for EmailJS.com customers. Use you...
rolling switch Full customizable rolling switch widget for flutter apps forked from this library ...
i18next i18next # This is an adaptation of i18next standard for Dart with support...
google mlkit entity extraction Google's ML Kit Entity Extraction API for Flutter #
particles flutter Flutter Particles # A package that provides an easy way to add particles animation...
openapi generator This library is the dart/flutter implementation of openapi client sdk code generation. With this...
volume control volume_control # A flutter plugin to programmatically adjust the device's volume on Android and...
flutter ume kit console flutter_ume_kit_console # flutter_ume 是由字节跳动 Flutter Infra 团队出品的应用内调试工具平台。 flutter_ume_kit_console 是 flutter_ume 的日志查看插件包。接入方式请见...
fftea fftea # A simple and efficient Fast Fourier Transform...
camera macos Camera macOS # Implementation of AVKit camera for macOS. Can take pictures and...
health kit reporter health_kit_reporter # Features # A Flutter wrapper for HealthKitReporter ...
mask input formatter mask_input_formatter # The package provides TextInputFormatter for TextField and TextFormField which format the...
dynamic themes dynamic_themes # Dynamically change between multiple themes # This package allows you to...
observable Support for detecting and being notified when an object is mutated. An observable is a...
youtube This Flutter package provides functionalities to retrieve and manage YouTube video information, including details about the...
flutter floating floating # Floating 是一个灵活且强大的悬浮窗解决方案 特性 # 全局的悬浮窗管理机制...
flutter app info flutter_app_info # flutter_app_info is a utility package that bundles capability of...
flutter section list flutter_section_list # a ListView and GridView support section like iOS,header pinned,item staggered....
wrapper 7.属性一览 注意一点: Wrapper的区域是由父容器控制的,Wrapper本身并不承担定尺寸职责。 属性名
firebase cloud firestore Firebase Cloud Firestore # cloud_firestore...
vocsy epub viewer Vocsy Epub Viewer # originally a fork of epub_kitty with few more features....
keyboard detection Keyboard Detection # This plugin gives you an easy way to detect if the...
enefty icons Enefty Icons # Enefty Icons is a collection of icon assets designed by...
flutter bluetooth basic flutter_bluetooth_basic # Flutter plugin that allows to find bluetooth devices & send raw...
mindbox Mindbox SDK for Flutter # The Mindbox SDK allows you to integrate mobile push-notifications, in-app...
fluttermoji fluttermoji # A light-weight and highly customizable SVG graphic set for Flutter, which...
hawk fab menu hawk_fab_menu # A customizable floating action button menu that will pop up small...
re editor Re-Editor # 中文版本 Re-Editor is a powerful lightweight text and code...
phone input phone_input # The Phone Input is a versatile package that provides cross-platform support for...
gql error link GQL Link to handle execution errors and exceptions. Usage # An example...
audioplayers platform interface audioplayers_platform_interface #
simple app cache manager Simple App Cache Manager # A Flutter package for managing application cache...
screen capturer screen_capturer # This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to take screenshots....
did change authlocal did_change_authlocal # This is a plugin that allows data to be retrieved and...
appmetrica push plugin AppMetrica Push SDK for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for AppMetrica Push SDK...
flutter painter Flutter Painter 🎨🖌️ # A pure-Flutter package for painting. Summary #
flutter arc text Flutter Arc Text # Renders text along the arc. See demo. The...
tabby flutter inapp sdk Tabby Flutter SDK # Use the Tabby checkout in your Flutter app.
flutter hooks lint plugin flutter_hooks_lint_plugin # flutter_hooks_lint_plugin is a dart analyzer plugin for the flutter hooks,...
conva omni copilot For integration related information, please visit : https://docs.slanglabs.in/conva-omni/integrating-the-omni-copilot-with-your-app
socket io socket.io-dart # Port of awesome JavaScript Node.js library - Socket.io v2.0.1 - in Dart
system date time format A plugin for getting date & time format from device system settings....
file previewer file_previewer # Can generate an preview image based on the file extension. Uses the...
splash view Become a sponsor # Splash View # A splash view is...
razorpay flutter customui Razorpay Flutter Custom-UI # Flutter plugin for Razorpay Custom SDK. ...
beautiful soup dart Beautiful Soup Dart # Dart native package...
vertical card pager Use dynamic and beautiful card view pagers to help you create great apps....
once once # Want to run/show a piece of code/widget once (Once - Hourly - Daily...
scroll page view scroll_page_view # 无限滑动的PageView,支持自定义Indicator 目前已支持 Sound Null Safety pub 地址:scroll_page_view
dart webrtc dart-webrtc # A webrtc interface wrapped in dart language. Use the dart/js library...
flutter network connectivity Flutter Network Connectivity # A flutter plugin to check for Internet...
google sign in dartio google_sign_in_dartio # A Flutter package that implements Google Sign In in...
finbox lending plugin Flutter FinBox Lending SDK # The plugin can be used to integrate FinBox...
json editor flutter JsonEditor class # Edit your JSON object with this package. Create, edit and...
progress border ProgressBorder # A BoxBorder like Border but draw...
componentt This library provides a set of classes and methods to simplify the usage of widgets...
crystal navigation bar Crystal Bottom Navigation Bar
hypersnapsdk flutter Overview # HyperSnapSDK is a software development kit by HyperVerge that offers an out-of-the-box...
flutter file saver flutter_file_saver # Interface to provide a way to save...
advstory AdvStory 📸 # Quite simple & Quite advanced 🚀 Advanced Story viewer...
unleash proxy client flutter Unleash Proxy Client for Flutter (Dart) # This is a tiny Unleash...
flukit English|中文简体 Flukit # flukit (Flutter UI Kit)是一个Flutter Widget库。 组件列表 # ...
automatic animated list AutomaticAnimatedList # An AnimatedList which automatically computes the item deltas each time the...
msal js MSAL.js for Dart # A Dart wrapper for the Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript...
flutter tawkto flutter_tawk # Tawk widget for Flutter. 🚀 Showcase #
uuid type UUID type for Dart # This package provides...
rich editor ✨ rich_editor # WYSIWYG editor for Flutter with a rich...
booking calendar Booking Calendar # Want to make online bookings in your app? Then luckily you...
locale names Locale Names # A Flutter package that provide locale display names in...
schedulers Dart library for running asynchronous functions on time. Useful for load balancing, rate limiting, lazy...