magx client Magx Dart client # Dart Client for MagX multiplayer game server. See node...
paulonia image service TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
epub2 epub2 # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
madcolor Palatte from Lospect. # Color Palette Added. # Comfort44s...
flutter toast toihk flutter_toast # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
vnd ekyc vnd_ekyc # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
ideal dart code handler Ideal Dart Code Handler # This package is a server made to...
material card Material card Features # Create a simple card Getting started #...
x button Getting Started # xbutton is a button that can support multiple styles, including shadow,...
processing tree Processing tree # Dart...
yet another layout builder Yet Another Layout Builder #
pixie pixie # A pixie plugin.
pop pop pop_pop # ...
bunker annotation TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
pop pop components pop_pop_components #
bunker lib Welcome to [Bunker]. 1.0.5 and null-safety...
zooper flutter localization zooper_flutter_localization # A simple localization library which aims to have multiple localization files.
aliyun oss macos aliyun_oss_macos # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
dinnova dinnova # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
suggestion providers
medium search
qartvm qartvm (pronounced 'kar-toom', like the capital of Sudan) is a quantum computing simulation package for Dart...
oa cep Getting started # dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter oa_cep: ^1.0.1 Usage...
flutter fetcher state Flutter fetcher state # Flutter library for fetching data Query #...
flutter stegify stegify-flutter-plugin # Flutter plugin for fully transparent hiding any file within an image using...
endless firestore Endless Firestore # An extension of the Endless infinite scroll view library with support...
shut the box engine Shut The Box Game Engine # Features # provides...
localfire Localfire #
unofficial twitch auth This package allows to validate, revoke or authenticate your client using the newest Twitch...
clip shadow ramses TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
custom button draxex TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
screenshot detect screenshot_detect # This is an iOS-only plugin for detecting when user takes a screenshot...
renovation core Getting Started # Backend # First you need to install renovation_core app from...
shoutsms shoutsms # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
styx flutter styx_flutter # Flutter specific functionality for Styx Getting Started # This project...
background task manager background_task_manager # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
constrained scroll view Motivation # Whenever the size of the screen changes, by the keyboard or...
io dldb sdk io_dldb_sdk # A flutter plugin for DLDB SDK Getting Started #...
solo game engine solo_game_engine # A game engine focuses on table games. Getting Started #
backbone cli The Backbone Dart Backend Framework # A CLI for generating Dart REST APIs using...
simplestandardbutton A Simple Standard Button for Flutter Features # Getting started # Usage #
video confi TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
flutter rive login flutter_rive_login # Flutter Plugin for applying login animation with rive file of .riv...
rapidoc maps plugin rapidoc_maps_plugin # Google maps utils (private package) Getting Started # This...
dart alsa Dart FFI Binding to the ALSA sound library. # Regenerating the Dart ffi binding...
dotmap Allows you to create, set and get Map rows using dot notated strings. Features #
adaptable screen The plug-in scales sizes based on the size of the UIDesign prototypes and the windows...
kumulos sdk flutter Kumulos Flutter SDK # Kumulos provides tools to build and host backend storage...
marine This is an animated grid view with pagination. Implemented by SliverGrid. If you need an...
twitter oauth Twitter Auth for flutter and dart (Experimental) [*]
test package upload test_package_upload # A Very Good Project created by Very...
flutter john Flutter John # Apprendre a créer un package Getting started # start...
input dev Welcome To DevMedia # custom text input field widget package Widgets: #...
runevm fl runevm_fl # RuneVM plugin for Flutter Example app is the game 2048 with...
api to model API to model plugin is developed to improve prodectivity and to reduce time for...
we rate dogs We Rate Dogs # They're Good Dogs, Brant. # Source Code for...
scanning gun Scanner_Gun # This is an unofficial FlutterPlugin to connect flutter code with a Scanning_Gun...
avatar hover Avatar Hover # Features # TODO: I will put a description later on.
modular release guard Library that offers resources to control via Firebase Remote Config elements according to their...
adotech puntopay Flutter Adotech Scanovate Plugin # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android allowing access...
advance list this package contain advance methods of List object Features # 1-get max/min value...
estradart EstraDart A Basic Wrapper Anime Image API Using EstraAPI with Dart/Flutter...
avimobilelib avimobilelib # Library for accessing the AVI API. For more information regarding AVI and...
devla request devla_request # A Http client request for Dart, which help you zero configuration interceptor...
xiangpush xiangpush 0.0.8 # 项目来源于Rammus 仅用来学习,不得用作商业用途 集成参考原项目( #修复找不到函数的错误
borg Dart borg # Dart borg is a command-line tool to support development teams working on...
list of words List of words in different languages # 1. English; 2. French;...
webelight shapes webelight_shapes # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
bitlabs plugin bitlabs_plugin # Bitlabs Flutter Plugin allows integration of Bitlabs surveys into Android apps....
easy image slider TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
otter json Otter JSON JSON serialization...
otter json generator Otter JSON JSON...
link extractor Link Extractor # A Simple utility for extracting media urls from differennt social media...
storm ui Storm UI # A simple flutter application development ui package.
auth with firebase auth_with_firebase # Intended for personal use in my projects but feel free to...
spacejam SpaceJam # Features # SpaceJamAppBar ...
mattermost dart mattermost_dart (EXPERIMENTAL) # There is also a work-in-progress Postman API reference. This Dart...
flutter google map sal flutter_google_map_sal # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
flutter mono widget A Flutter plugin integrating the official android and ios SDK for Mono (financial data...
gradr lib Convert climbing grading systems with a really simple interface.
custom dio start init before you send any request WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); CustomDio.setInitData( CustomDioOptions( baseUrl:...
hashbrowns Hashbrowns Static Color Generator # The purpose of Hashbrowns is to generate consistent colors based...
hy svg hy_svg # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter calendar pager flutter_calendar_pager # 日历滚动组件 变更历史 效果 #...
drag drop match widget This package makes creating drag and drop matching UI easier. PACKAGE IS...
routex Routex # Identify your logic with URI, apply any number of composable asynchronous...
kohana Kohana # State management (flutter_hooks based), validators, common models, event bus, responsive layout...
shrimp country code Shrimp Country Code # A flutter package for showing a country code selector.
phonetic typing Phonetic typing # A phonetic hindi typing package with regular english keyboard on desktop...
html css UI elements library #
beautiful onboard TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
n bug reporter n_bug_reporter # Naylalabs proprietary bug reporter plugin Getting Started # This...
restbackendtest Dart Express # An express-like web server framework for Dart developers. Usage #...
flipper charts charts # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
emojiscraper emojiscraper # Tiny tool to scrape emoji from Demo...
countrylistsdk TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
ar rtc engine ar_rtc_engine # 此 Flutter 插件 是对 anyRTC 音视频 SDK 的封装。 # 您可以集成此...
yy ads yy_ads # A yyAds SDK Flutter Plugin for Android 本插件可以帮助您快速接入Android原生游易广告SDK Getting Started...
hellofx TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
hcb flutter TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...