geekyants flutter gauges Gauges # A gauge, in science and engineering, is a device used to...
searchable paginated dropdown This Flutter package helps create a dropdown which constains a search bar inside....
awesome icons awesome_icons # The Font Awesome Icon pack available as set of Flutter Icons....
qr scanner overlay A simple QR Scanner style overlay to be used with a stack ( and...
gallery picker gallery_picker # Gallery Picker is a flutter package that will allow you to pick...
unorm dart unorm_dart # Unicode 8.0 Normalization - NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD Dart2...
wav wav # Simple tools for reading and writing WAV...
mat month picker dialog mat_month_picker_dialog # Material month picker with layout inspired by this article....
share whatsapp Share Whatsapp Plugin # A Flutter plugin to share content from your...
flutter polygon flutter_polygon # A Flutter plugin to create views using regular polygon shapes (e.g. Pentagons...
flutter mapbox navigation flutter_mapbox_navigation # Add Turn By Turn Navigation to Your Flutter Application Using MapBox....
user experior user_experior # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
cross file image ImageProvider for XFile # Usage # import 'package:cross_file_image/cross_file_image.dart';
watch it ❤️ Sponsor watch_it # A simple state management solution powered by get_it....
background sms Background SMS # This is an SMS library for flutter. You can send...
dart appwrite Appwrite Dart SDK # ...
virtual keyboard multi language virtual_keyboard_multi_language # About # A simple package for dispaying virtual keyboards...
analog clock Flutter Analog Clock Widget # Clean and fully customizable analog clock widget.
flutter scankit flutter_scankit Scanning Barcodes Usage Configure Permissions
blurry modal progress hud blurry_modal_progress_hud # This is a clone and upgrade of modal_progress_hud #...
diff match patch Diff Match Patch # This is a port of google-diff-match-patch library to...
flutter media metadata flutter_media_metadata # A Flutter plugin to read 🔖 metadata of 🎵 media files.
asuka ASUKA - Snackbars, Dialogs and more, the simple way. ...
smooth corner Language: English | 中文简体 smooth_corner # The smooth rounded corners of...
pubnub PubNub Dart SDK # pubnub is a Flutter-friendly SDK written in...
flutter shimmer flutter_shimmer # flutter_shimmer package for creating Shimmer effect that indicate a loading status, so...
screen state screen_state # A Flutter plugin for tracking the screen state. Install...
linear timer Linear Timer # This package provides a widget that enables to use a Linear...
qr code tools QR Code Tools # The Flutter plugin for iOS...
insta assets picker Instagram Assets Picker ...
smooth video progress Have you been here before: you created a video player using video_player, but...
localizely sdk Localizely SDK # This package provides Over-the-Air translation updates and In-Context Editing...
flutter soloud A low-level audio plugin for Flutter. ...
flutter joystick Flutter Joystick #
language code Language Code # This package help you get the current language code...
stream chat flutter core Official Core Flutter SDK for Stream Chat # The official...
dart amqp dart_amqp # Dart AMQP client implementing protocol version 0.9.1...
slide switcher Library for creating and customizing sliders # Widget customization variations # Here are...
interval time picker Interval Time Picker # This package modifies the default Flutter Time...
scroll indicator Scroll_Indicator # Scroll indicator inspired by the Shopee application. Usage # ScrollIndicator(
shadcn ui Flutter ShadcnUI #
ml linalg SIMD-based linear algebra and statistics for data science with Dart TABLE OF...
qiniu flutter sdk 七牛云存储 Flutter SDK # 七牛云存储的 Flutter SDK。 基于七牛云 API 实现,封装了七牛云存储系统的的客户端操作。 快速导航...
kartal kartal # My birth country is Kartal, so I created an extension to give born...
circular seek bar Circular Seek Bar ...
flutter pos printer platform image 3 flutter_pos_printer_platform # A library to discover printers, and...
wechat kit wechat_kit # Flutter 版微信登录/分享/支付 SDK。 若需使用 API 接口方法,请使用 wechat_kit_extension...
gpx gpx #
lokalise flutter sdk Lokalise Flutter SDK # The lokalise_flutter_sdk package provides support for over-the-air translation updates...
package rename Package Rename # A Blazingly Fast way to configure your Bleeding Edge flutter project...
video player media kit package:video_player_media_kit # package:video_player support for all platforms, based on package:media_kit.
phrase Phrase Strings OTA for Flutter # Library for Phrase Strings over-the-air translations. Installation #
flutter admin scaffold flutter_admin_scaffold # A scaffold class with a sideBar that works with a appBar.
appflowy board appflowy_board # AppFlowy Board A customizable and draggable Kanban Board widget for Flutter
lat lng to timezone latLngToTimezone # Lat/long to timezone mapper in Dart. Does not require web...
flutter heatmap calendar Flutter Heatmap Calendar # Flutter Heatmap Calendar inspired by github contribution chart....
flutter async autocomplete Flutter Async Autocomplete # A Flutter plugin make easy to dynamic autocomplete input
pusher beams Pusher Beams for Flutter #
heif converter HEIF Converter # Flutter plugin to convert HEIC/HEIF file to PNG/JPEG image. Installation...
dotlottie loader dotLottieLoader for Flutter # dotLottieLoader is a library to help downloading and...
flutter sound record flutter_sound_record # Audio recorder from microphone to a given file path forked from...
async builder async_builder - Improved Future and Stream builder for Flutter. # This package provides AsyncBuilder,...
ensure visible when focused Introduction # I was having a hard time scrolling to a specific...
google directions api google_directions_api # The Directions API...
foundation Features # ✅ Notifier ✅ Disposer ✅ Disposable ...
linkwell LinkWell # LinkWell is Text Plugin that detects URLs and Emails in a String and...
country state city pro country_state_city_pro # A new Flutter package to get world's all of Country,...
flutter json viewer flutter_json_viewer # A Json viewer widget for flutter. Updated with null safety and...
html character entities html_character_entities # A Dart utility class containing maps of key/value pairs for every
particle field Particle Field # A Flutter Widget for adding high performance custom particle effects to...
flutter aepedgeconsent flutter_aepedgeconsent # flutter_aepedgeconsent is a flutter plugin for the iOS and Android...
pdf text PDF Text Plugin # ...
helpers helpers # My other APIs # Scroll Navigation Video Viewer...
indexed list view indexed_list_view # Similar to a ListView, but: Lets you programmatically...
flutter paypal payment Flutter PayPal Payment Package # The Flutter PayPal Payment Package is a convenient...
flutter tilt 📓 Language: English | 中文 🎁 Check out the Live Demo. 💡 See...
build test Testing utilities for users of package:build. ...
flutter 3d controller Flutter 3D Controller # A Flutter package for rendering interactive 3D models in...
hashlib hashlib #
google mlkit pose detection Google's ML Kit Pose Detection for Flutter # ...
gallery saver updated Gallery Saver for Flutter # Saves images and videos from network or temporary...
pinch zoom release unzoom This package helps to create an instagram like zoom picture. With pinch to...
fast gbk A GBK codec library for Dart developers. GBK 编解码器,支持 File 和 HttpClient 的 Stream...
flutter media downloader flutter_media_downloader # This plugin helps user to download medias for example pdf files,...
stream chat localizations Official Localizations for Stream Chat Flutter library. # The Official localizations...
units converter units_converter # units_converter is a package...
day night switcher DayNightSwitcher # Just a simple simple day / night switcher widget made in...
flutter inappwebview web flutter_inappwebview_web # The Web Platform iframe implementation of flutter_inappwebview. Usage #
callkeep callkeep # iOS CallKit and Android ConnectionService for Flutter Support...
videosdk Video SDK Flutter # Video SDK Flutter to simply integrate Audio & Video Calling API...
stepper list view StepperListView # StepperListView is an widget that building the list ui with stepper...
simple fontellico progress dialog Simple Fontellico Progress Dialog ⌛ # This package helps to render a...
flutter baidu mapapi utils flutter_baidu_mapapi_utils # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
pusher client Pusher Channels Flutter Client # A...
flutter upgrade version Flutter Upgrade Version Package # A Flutter plugin for Android, iOS allowing get...
siri wave Create visually stunning waveforms similar to those found in Siri. It was inspired from...
hidable Installing # See the official installation guidelines at hidable/install Usage & Overview #...
animated emoji Animated Emoji # Provides over 400 animated emojis for your app....
gtm Gtm is a google-tag-manager plugin. This package is not an official package. Table of...