expansion widget expansion_widget # An edited version of Expansion Tile that allows you customize tile widget...
motion tab bar Motion Tab Bar compatible with Flutter 3 and RTL support # ...
secure application previously nammed secure_window secure_application # This plugin allow you to protect your application...
flutter aepcore flutter_aepcore # flutter_aepcore is a flutter plugin for the iOS and Android...
video player win video_player_win # Flutter video player for Windows, lightweight, using Windows built-in Media Foundation...
rich text controller rich_text_controller # An extended text editing controller that supports different inline styles for...
dashed circular progress bar Dashed circular progress bar #
scrollable clean calendar Scrollable Clean Calendar # A clean calendar widget with vertical scroll, locale and...
bonsoir Bonsoir is a Zeroconf library that allows you to discover network services and to broadcast your...
add to cart animation Add To Cart Animaiton # A flutter plugin which provide you add...
app installer Flutter App Installer Open AppStore and install apk
dart frog gen Code generation tooling for Dart Frog. Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures...
country state city picker country_state_city_picker # A flutter package for showing a country, states, and cities....
coupon uikit Coupon UI Kit # A simple package that provides you with some widgets and...
calendar timeline Flutter widget form select a date in horizontal timeline with customizable styles. Getting Started...
tobias 中文移步这里 Join QQ Group now: 1003811176 What's Tobias...
flutter bounce flutter_bounce # An efficient flutter package...
instabug flutter Instabug for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for Instabug. Available Features...
paginate firestore Pagination in Firestore # ...
number to words number_to_words # API convert number to words by localeID. Now only support English...
flutter shake animated flutter_shake_animated # Get started # this...
flutter intro flutter_intro # A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step user...
number to words english flutter_number_to_words_english # A Flutter/Dart package that converts number to words (English language).
shamsi date A Flutter and Dart package for using Jalali (Shamsi, Solar, Persian, Jalaali, شمسی or خورشیدی)...
dot navigation bar Dot Navigation Bar ...
flutter masked text flutter_masked_text # Masked text input for flutter. Install...
mobile device identifier mobile_device_identifier # Flutter package to obtain unique ID from mobile device (android /...
circular reveal animation Circular Reveal Animation # Circular Reveal Animation as Flutter widget!...
ferry A simple, powerful GraphQL Client for Flutter and Dart. Documentation 📖 # Features #
flutter line sdk flutter_line_sdk # A Flutter plugin that lets developers access LINE's native...
very good infinite list Very Good Infinite List # Developed with 💙...
multiple result multiple_result # Result package for dart inspired by the work of dartz's Either and...
simple speed dial simple_speed_dial # A simple speed dial widget for Flutter. Demonstration:
capped progress indicator A modified version of Flutter's LinearProgressIndicator and CircularProgressIndicator that allows you to change the...
braze plugin Braze Flutter SDK # Effective marketing automation is an essential part of successfully scaling...
fdottedline nullsafety fdottedline Use the easiest way to create a dotted line view 👀!
outline gradient button Example # Take a look at the provided example for how to use...
huawei map Huawei Map Flutter Plugin ...
walletconnect flutter v2 Overview # WalletConnect Dart v2 package for WalletKit and AppKit. https://walletconnect.com/. Check...
flame forge2d Adds support for Forge2d, the Box2d-based physics engine, to your Flame games. ...
network image mock Network Image Mock #
app group directory app_group_directory # A Flutter plugin to access shared application group container...
biometric storage biometric_storage # Encrypted file store, optionally secured by biometric lock for...
qrscan Language: English | 中文简体 QR Code Scanner # A Flutter...
flutter pagewise A library for widgets that load their content one page (or batch) at a time...
flutter picker plus flutter_picker_plus # Note: this plugin is continuous work from flutter_picker. Flutter picker...
open app file open_file # A plugin to open files the app has permission...
swipe cards swipe_cards # A Flutter widget for Tinder like swipe cards. The card can be...
image downloader web Image downloader for web # Download images from URL on Flutter Web...
flutter qiblah Flutter Qiblah # Getting Started # To start using this package,...
flutter draggable gridview flutter_draggable_gridview #
intersperse intersperse # Insert an element between each element of an Iterable or List.
focus detector v2 Focus Detector # Get notified every time your widget appears or disappears from...
loading animations Flutter Loading Animations # A simple yet very customizable set of loading animations for...
custom rating bar custom_rating_bar # Custom rating bar for flutter with support of: custom icons, half...
random color Random color generator # Pub link: https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/random_color This library will generate...
flutter bugly flutter_bugly # 腾讯 Bugly 插件,支持Android/iOS 运营统计、原生异常上报、flutter 异常上报。...
flutter multi select items A simple flutter package for creating multi-select widgets. Simple to...
flutter pickers flutter_pickers # flutter 选择器库,包括日期及时间选择器(可设置范围)、单项选择器(可用于性别、民族、学历、星座、年龄、身高、体重、温度等)、城市地址选择器(分省级、地级及县级)、多项选择器等…… 欢迎Fork & pr贡献您的代码,大家共同学习 Example # Web版在线Demo
image painter image_painter # A flutter implementation of...
flutter zxing Flutter ZXing # Flutter ZXing is a Flutter plugin for scanning and generating QR...
flutter sliding up panel flutter_sliding_up_panel # A sliding up panel widget which can be used to...
flutter font icons flutter_font_icons # English | 简体中文 Customizable Icons for Flutter, Inspired...
multi image picker plus multi_image_picker_plus # Flutter plugin that allows you to display multi image picker...
timeline list Flutter Timeline Widget # Displays a scrollable timeline with custom...
flutter webview pro Flutter WebView Pro # A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView...
flutter swipe detector Flutter Swipe Detector # Author: Jop Middelkamp # A package to detect...
data connection checker data_connection_checker # A pure Dart utility library that checks for an...
build web compilers Web compilers for users of package:build.
email otp Email OTP is a Flutter package designed to simplify email authentication using one-time passwords (OTPs)....
align positioned align_positioned # Widgets in this package: AlignPositioned AnimatedAlignPositioned AnimChain
confirm dialog Confirm Dialog # Confirm Dialog Widget for Flutter(JS-LIKE). https://pub.dev/packages/confirm_dialog Installation...
emojis Emojis # 🔥 Emoji for Dart 🔥 Over 3300 Emojis This 📦 contain all...
crypt crypt # One-way string hashing for salted passwords using the Unix crypt format. This...
dbus A native Dart client implementation of D-Bus. Accessing remote objects # The easiest way...
carousel pro Carousel Pro # A Flutter Carousel widget. Usage # As simple as...
validatorless Validatorless # This package provides a means to validate text inputs on the...
pull to refresh notification pull_to_refresh_notification # Language: English | 中文简体 widget to build...
cli repl cli_repl # A simple library for creating CLI REPLs in Dart. Features #
flutter overlay window Flutter plugin for displaying your Flutter app over other apps on the screen...
crclib Dart crclib # This is not an official Google product. Generic CRC calculations as...
flutterfire internals _flutterfire_internals # This package is hosting Dart code shared between FlutterFire plugins. It is...
slugify slugify # Converts any String to a slug. Useful for URLs, filenames, IDs, and more.
flutter firebase chat core Flutter Firebase Chat Core Actively maintained, community-driven Firebase BaaS for...
flutter swiper plus 中文说明 flutter_swiper_plus # The best swiper for flutter...
sqlcipher flutter libs sqlcipher_flutter_libs # Flutter apps depending on this package will contain native SQLCipher libraries
flutter tabler icons flutter_tabler_icons # The Tabler Icon Pack in Flutter Tabler icons version: v3.15.0
draggable fab draggable_fab # A Draggable FAB wrapper widget which can dragged to any edge of...
filter list filter_list # ...
ticket widget ✨ Ticket Widget # Flutter package which helps you to implement Ticket Widget in...
flutter cashfree pg sdk Cashfree Flutter SDK Sample # Description #...
flutter datetime picker bdaya Notice # This was forked from https://github.com/Realank/flutter_datetime_picker since the author is inactive.
just audio windows just_audio_windows # The windows implementation of just_audio. Implemented using Windows' Media Player...
simple gesture detector Simple Gesture Detector # Easy to use, reliable and lightweight gesture...
client information Client Information # This is a plugin that lets you get basic information from...
flutter mentions 📛 Flutter Mentions A simple flutter input widget to add @ mentions functionality to...
expand widget Expand Widget # This...
flustars Language: English | 中文简体 Flutter常用工具类库 # flustars依赖于Dart常用工具类库common_utils,以及对其他第三方库封装,致力于为大家分享简单易用工具类。如果你有好的工具类欢迎PR. 目前包含SharedPreferences Util, Screen Util,...
just audio platform interface just_audio_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the just_audio plugin. This...
charts flutter new Flutter Charting library # Material Design data visualization library written natively...