auto size text field Auto Size TextField # ✍️ Flutter TextField widget...
lazy load scrollview Lazy load scrollview # A wrapper for a ScrollView that will enable lazy...
aligned dialog aligned_dialog # A Flutter package that allows you to open a dialog aligned with...
background downloader A background file downloader and uploader for iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows and Linux #...
flutter platform widgets Flutter Platform Widgets # TL;DR; # A wrapper...
amplitude flutter Official Amplitude Flutter SDK # This is the official Amplitude Flutter SDK developed and...
google maps place picker mb Google Maps Place Picker - MB edition # This...
desktop window desktop_window # Flutter plugin for Flutter desktop(macOS/Linux/Windows) to change window size. Usage #
flutter card swiper flutter_card_swiper #
flutter signin button A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for generating signin buttons for different social...
fluentui system icons Fluent UI System Icons # Fluent UI System Icons are a collection of...
intro slider FLUTTER INTRO SLIDER Flutter Intro Slider is a flutter plugin that helps you make...
flutter webview plugin NOTICE # We are working closely with the Flutter Team to...
country flags Country Flags # A...
supabase supabase-dart # A Dart client for Supabase. Note This is a...
shake shake # A flutter package to detect phone shakes. To listen to phone shake:
just audio background just_audio_background # This package plugs into just_audio to add background playback support and...
flutter file downloader flutter_file_downloader # A simple flutter...
talker dio logger talker_dio_logger # Lightweight and customizable dio http client logger on talker base....
salomon bottom bar salomon_bottom_bar # Yet another bottom navigation bar, but with a few key promises.
styled text StyledText # Text widget with formatted text using tags. Makes it easier to use...
cron Cron # Run tasks periodically at fixed times or intervals. Usage #
exif exif # Dart package to decode Exif data from TIFF, JPEG,...
receive sharing intent receive_sharing_intent # A Flutter plugin that enables flutter apps to receive...
url launcher windows url_launcher_windows # The Windows implementation of url_launcher. Usage # This package...
sentry dio Sentry integration for dio package # package...
flutter picker flutter_picker # Flutter plugin picker. Include NumberPicker, DateTimePicker,...
pod player Video player for flutter web & mobile devices, pod player supports playing video from Youtube...
flutter vibrate Vibrate # A Flutter plugin to vibrate the device. This uses all the...
esc pos utils esc_pos_utils # Base Flutter/Dart classes for ESC/POS printing. Generator class generates...
date time picker date_time_picker # A Flutter widget to show a text...
easy image viewer EasyImageViewer # An easy way to display images in a full-screen dialog, including...
open store OpenStore # 😎 Simple flutter package to open app page in store 😍...
native toolchain c A library to invoke the native C compiler installed on the host machine....
accordion accordion # An expandable Flutter widget list where each item can be expanded or collapsed...
chat bubbles chat_bubbles plugin #
riverpod A reactive caching and data-binding framework. Riverpod makes working with asynchronous code a breeze...
flutter archive flutter_archive # Create and extract ZIP archive files. Uses Android/iOS/macOS platform APIs for high...
in app purchase storekit in_app_purchase_storekit # The iOS and macOS implementation of in_app_purchase. Usage #
camera avfoundation camera_avfoundation # The iOS implementation of camera. Usage # This package is...
flutter foreground task This plugin is used to implement a foreground service on the Android platform....
adaptive dialog adaptive_dialog # Show alert dialog or modal action sheet adaptively according to platform....
flutter masked text2 flutter_masked_text # Masked text input for flutter. Alert...
http auth http_auth # An http middleware for HTTP authentication (Basic/Digest). The method (Basic or...
icons plus Icons Plus # Icons Plus is a package for Flutter developers that provides a...
sprintf dart-sprintf # Dart implementation of sprintf. ChangeLog # Getting...
flutter blue Introduction # FlutterBlue is a bluetooth plugin for Flutter, a new app SDK to...
flutter dropzone Dropzone # A Flutter Web plugin to handle drag-and-drop (files) into Flutter. If you're...
dart style The dart_style package defines an automatic, opinionated formatter for Dart code. It replaces the...
custom info window Custom Info Window # A widget based custom info window for google_maps_flutter.
persistent bottom nav bar v2 Persistent Bottom Navigation Bar Version 2 # ...
dart ipify Dart Ipify # An unofficial client library for Ipify <> A Simple Public IP...
lints Official Dart lint rules # The Dart linter is a static analyzer for identifying possible...
better player Better Player # Advanced video player. It solves...
retrofit generator See retrofit.dart
animated custom dropdown Custom Dropdown # Custom Dropdown package lets you add customizable animated dropdown widget.
date picker timeline DatePickerTimeline # Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as...
screen brightness screen_brightness # A Plugin for controlling screen brightness with application life cycle reset implemented.
xdg directories xdg_directories # A Dart package for reading XDG directory configuration information on Linux....
string validator string_validator ============= String validation and sanitization for Dart. This is a new...
flutter custom clippers flutter_custom_clippers # Flutter package that provides you custom clippers to help you achieve...
pull to refresh flutter3 flutter_pulltorefresh # ...
home widget Home Widget #
native device orientation Native Device Orientation # This is a plugin project that allows...
reactive forms Reactive Forms # This is a model-driven approach to handling Forms inputs and validations,...
flutter carousel widget flutter_carousel_widget # A customizable carousel slider widget for Flutter, offering features such as...
internet file A internet file getter (also optional downloader) that works in all platforms (browsers, mobile, desktop,...
talker flutter Advanced error handler and logger for dart and flutter apps Log your...
carousel slider plus carousel_slider_plus # A carousel slider widget. This package is fork of carousel_slider...
enum to string enum_to_string # Better conversion of ENUMs to string - It also...
translator translator # Free Google Translate API for Dart See it in pub:
sleek circular slider Sleek circular slider/progress bar & spinner for Flutter # A highly...
any link preview AnyLinkPreview #
isar Isar Database
nfc manager nfc_manager # Flutter plugin for accessing the NFC features on Android and iOS....
quickalert An instantly ready, full-featured alerts for development on any platform with flutter. Enabling you to complete...
local auth android local_auth_android # The Android implementation of local_auth. Usage # This package...
flutter xlider flutter_xlider # Now supports null safety. (Flutter Slider) A...
velocity x Show some ❤️ and star the repo. # ...
easy refresh flutter_easy_refresh # English | 中文 # Just...
ffmpeg kit flutter FFmpegKit for Flutter # 1. Features # Includes...
slang flutter slang_flutter # This is a support package for slang. Import this package if...
camera web Camera Web Plugin # The web implementation of camera. Note: This plugin is...
screen protector screen_protector # Safe Data Leakage via Application Background Screenshot and Prevent Screenshot for Android...
custom sliding segmented control CustomSlidingSegmentedControl # Allows you to flexibly configure the widget for displaying controls....
substring highlight substring_highlight # Highlight Flutter text at the character-level. Designed for case-insensitive search-term highlighting,...
syncfusion flutter xlsio Excel (XlsIO) Library # Flutter XlsIO is a feature rich and high-performance non-UI...
path provider windows path_provider_windows # The Windows implementation of path_provider. Usage # This package...
google maps flutter android google_maps_flutter_android # The Android implementation of google_maps_flutter. Usage #
flutter custom tabs flutter_custom_tabs # A Flutter plugin for mobile apps to launch a...
ntp NTP # Plugin that allows you to get precise time from Network Time Protocol (NTP).
flutter layout grid Flutter Layout Grid # A powerful grid layout system...
objectbox flutter libs ObjectBox libraries for Flutter # This package provides the native ObjectBox...
after layout Flutter After Layout # Brings functionality to execute code after the first...
flare flutter Flare-Flutter # Flutter runtime for Flare, depends on flare_dart. Installation # Add...
add 2 calendar add_2_calendar # A really simple Flutter plugin to add events to each platform's...
pdf render Notice (2024-01-22) # If you want to move to pdfrx but you have some...
awesome snackbar content A package that lets you uplift your SnackBar or MaterialBanner experience in the app.
google mlkit face detection Google's ML Kit Face Detection for Flutter # ...
notification permissions Flutter Notification Permissions # Package to check for and ask for Notification Permissions on...