animated splash screen Animated Splash Screen # Check it out at Pub.Dev Do it your...
maps launcher Maps launcher for Flutter # A simple package that uses url_launcher to launch...
video player avfoundation video_player_avfoundation # The iOS and macOS implementation of video_player. Usage #...
js Important: Prefer using dart:js_interop instead of this package for JS interop. See the JS interop...
image size getter image_size_getter # Do not completely decode the image file, just read the metadata...
gallery saver Gallery Saver for Flutter # Saves images and videos from network or temporary file...
loader overlay Introduction # Have you ever found yourself in the situation of doing some async...
coverage Coverage provides coverage data collection, manipulation, and formatting for Dart. ...
tint Tint # Tint is a library for terminal string styling extended upon Dart's String type.
stream transform Extension methods on Stream adding common transform operators. Operators # asyncMapBuffer, asyncMapSample, concurrentAsyncMap...
event bus Event Bus # A simple Event Bus using Dart Streams for decoupling applications.
keyboard actions Keyboard Actions # Add features to the Android / iOS keyboard in...
dart console A Dart library for building console applications.
timelines A powerful & easy to use timeline package for Flutter! 🚀 Caveat: This...
pub semver Handles version numbers and version constraints in the same way that pub does....
flutter share Share Plugin # ** This plugin was discontinued after the flutter official...
quiver A set of utility libraries for Dart that makes using many Dart libraries easier and...
simple animations 🎬 Simple Animations # Simple Animations simplifies the...
flutter contacts flutter_contacts # Flutter plugin to read,...
restart app Restart app in Flutter # A Flutter plugin that helps you to restart the...
store redirect store_redirect # A Flutter plugin to redirect users to an app page...
formz 📝 Formz # Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄
syncfusion flutter datagrid Flutter DataGrid (DataTable) library # The Flutter DataTable or DataGrid is used to...
video player android video_player_android # The Android implementation of video_player. Usage # This package...
internet connection checker plus Internet Connection Checker Plus # A Flutter package to check your internet...
mobx Language: English | Português mobx.dart en #
contacts service contacts_service # A Flutter plugin to access and...
barcode widget barcode_widget # Barcode Widget for flutter. This widget uses pub:barcode to...
responsive builder Responsive Builder 💻➡️🖥➡️📱➡️⌚️ # The responsive builder package contains widgets that allows you to...
convert Contains encoders and decoders for converting between different data representations. It's the external counterpart of...
flutter otp text field flutter_otp_text_field # flutter_otp_text_field # The...
jovial svg jovial_svg # Robust, efficient rendering of SVG static images, supporting a well-defined profile...
android id android_id # A Flutter plugin for retrieving the Android ID.
video compress video_compress # Compress videos, remove audio, manipulate thumbnails, and make your video compatible with...
bot toast BotToast 🤖 # A really easy to use flutter toast library! ...
shelf Web Server Middleware for Dart # Shelf makes it easy to create and compose web...
timeline tile TimelineTile # A package to help build customisable timelines in Flutter. ...
scoped model scoped_model # A set of utilities that allow you to easily pass...
gcloud The gcloud package provides a high level idiomatic Dart interface to some of the most...
interact Interact # A collection of customizable interactive command-line components. Table of Contents...
google nav bar google_nav_bar # A modern google style nav bar for flutter....
showcaseview ShowCaseView # A Flutter package allows you to Showcase/Highlight your widgets step by...
path provider foundation path_provider_foundation # The iOS and macOS implementation of path_provider. Usage #...
protobuf Provides runtime support for a Dart implementation of protobufs. Typically one does not need to...
shelf static shelf_static is a Handler for the Dart shelf package. Example # import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart'...
webkit inspection protocol The webkit_inspection_protocol package is a client for the Chrome DevTools Protocol (previously called...
flutter plugin android lifecycle Flutter Android Lifecycle Plugin # A Flutter plugin for Android...
multi select flutter Multi Select Flutter # Multi Select Flutter is a package for...
flutter background service A flutter plugin for execute dart code in background. Support me to maintain...
url launcher ios url_launcher_ios # The iOS implementation of url_launcher. Usage # This package...
analyzer This package provides a library that performs static analysis of Dart code. It is useful...
confetti Blast some confetti all over the screen and celebrate user achievements! Demo #
scope Scope # Scope provides Inversion of Control using the dependency injection (DI) pattern for Dart...
flutter email sender flutter_email_sender # Allows send emails from flutter using native platform functionality. In...
yaml A parser for YAML. Usage # Use loadYaml to load a single document, or...
sliver tools sliver_tools # A set of useful sliver tools that are missing from...
pdfx PDFx # Flutter Render & show PDF documents on Web, MacOs 10.11+, Android 5.0+, iOS...
url launcher android url_launcher_android # The Android implementation of url_launcher. Usage # This package...
mockito Mock library for Dart inspired by Mockito. Let's create mocks # Mockito 5.0.0 supports...
network info plus network_info_plus # This plugin allows...
path provider android path_provider_android # The Android implementation of path_provider. Usage # This package...
isar flutter libs Flutter binaries for the Isar Database please go there for documentation. #
workmanager Flutter Workmanager # # Flutter WorkManager is a wrapper around Android's WorkManager,...
sizer Sizer (Responsive UI solution for Mobile App,Web and Desktop) # Sizer is helps...
flutter quill Flutter Quill # A rich text editor for...
hydrated bloc An extension to package:bloc which automatically persists and restores bloc and cubit states. Built to...
signature signature # A Flutter plugin providing performance optimized signature canvas with ability...
webview flutter android webview_flutter_android # The Android implementation of webview_flutter. Usage # This package...
jsonc jsonc.dart # JSON with comments and trailing...
webview flutter wkwebview webview_flutter_wkwebview # The Apple WKWebView implementation of webview_flutter. Usage # This...
bloc concurrency A Dart package that exposes custom event transformers inspired by ember concurrency. Built to work...
emoji picker flutter emoji_picker_flutter # Yet another Emoji Picker for Flutter 🤩 Key...
curved navigation bar curved_navigation_bar # pub package A Flutter package for easy implementation of curved...
photo manager photo_manager # English | 中文 ...
clipboard clipboard # GitHub Basic Usage: # import 'package:clipboard/clipboard.dart'; copied to...
transparent image transparent_image # A simple transparent image. Represented as a Uint8List, which was originally...
overlay support overlay_support # Provider support for overlay,...
web Lightweight browser API bindings built around JS interop. What's this? # This package...
file A generic file system abstraction for Dart. Features # Like dart:io, package:file supplies a...
english words english_words # A package containing the most ~5000 used English words and...
youtube player iframe Youtube Player iFrame ...
sticky headers Flutter Sticky Headers # Lets you place headers on scrollable content that...
flutter blue plus Note: this plugin is continuous work from FlutterBlue. Migrating from FlutterBlue? See Migration...
args Parses raw command-line arguments into a set of options and values. This library supports GNU...
toggle switch Toggle Switch # A simple toggle switch widget. It can be fully customized with...
pointer interceptor pointer_interceptor # iOS Web...
marquee ⏩ A Flutter widget that scrolls text infinitely. Provides many customizations including custom scroll directions,...
sqlite3 flutter libs sqlite3_flutter_libs # This package intentionally contains no Dart code. Flutter apps depending on...
purchases flutter purchases_flutter # purchases_flutter is a client for the RevenueCat subscription and purchase tracking system....
cli completion CLI Completion #
in app update Maintained by Jonas Bark in_app_update # Enables In App Updates on Android...
flutter barcode scanner flutter_barcode_scanner # A plugin for Flutter apps that adds barcode scanning support on...
awesome dialog awesome_dialog # A new Flutter package project for simple and awesome dialogs Usage...
skeletonizer Introduction Basic usage The need for fake data Annotations Creating Skeletons manually
introduction screen IntroductionScreen # Introduction Screen allows you to have a screen...
material design icons flutter material_design_icons_flutter # The Material Design Icons Icon pack available as set of...
syncfusion flutter gauges Flutter Gauges library # The Flutter Gauges library includes the data visualization widgets...
fake async This package provides a FakeAsync class, which makes it easy to deterministically test code...
tuple A library providing a tuple data structure. Status - complete # We consider this...
data table 2 ! Don't put the widgets inside unbounded parents. You don't need scrollables anymore (e.g....