manage isolate Introduction # this package manages isolates in best way possible for you, so that...
adaptive thom dev Adaptive ThomDev # Adapation à la plateform utilisé android ou ios. Ce...
ecom flutter plugin ecom_flutter_plugin # 一个与业务无关的通信插件 功能 # 本插件支持iOS和Android平台,用于Flutter与原生平台通信,与业务层解耦,需自消息收发体。支持: Flutter向Native发送消息并接收回调...
woo widget input TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
mc dio MC_DIO # 简书地址: 根据YTK的封装思路封装了dio的网络请求框架 还在开发测试中,请勿使用在实际项目 已实现功能 # 1.MCNetworkConfig 类有两个作用: #
woo widget connexion TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
humaniza Humaniza # A package to quickly humanize data Humanize month # Takes an...
datatables api DataTables API # Esse widget foi feito inspirado no DataTables ( para criar tabelas...
prompter jeremylshepherd Prompter # Simple CLI library for proving simple prompts and receiving user input....
selin flutter webinstats # A Flutter plugin to integrate webinstats SDK in your Flutter app....
webinstats flutter webinstats # A Flutter plugin to integrate webinstats SDK in your Flutter app....
service drones dart service-objects-dart # Tracking objects data microservice in Dart Getting started #...
tigertally flutter plugin tigertally_flutter_plugin # 阿里云防爬SDK(虎符) Flutter 插件,本插件只作为原生平台与 Flutter 的桥接,原生 SDK 部分需要购买对应的 WAF 产品,由商业和集成方对接 Getting...
terra apple health Terra Flutter Apple Healthkit # This (unofficial) package bundles a bridge and an...
cs openmediation ad cs_openmediation_ad # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
taquion History # Um táquion (do grego ταχυόνιον, takhyónion, de ταχύς, takhýs, i.e. "rápido", "veloz") é...
one login ali_auth # ...
di analytics DI Analytics SDK for Flutter # Requirements # Android SDK 23+ Kotlin...
oneclick login ali_auth # ...
click login ali_auth # ...
tig bluetooth basic tig_bluetooth_basic # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
wht sande pay wht_sande_pay # 集成微信开发SDK(支付、登录、分享)Flutter插件,集成衫德支付FlutterSDK. Getting Started # This project is a starting...
tig ep bluetooth tig_ep_bluetooth # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
wwydapi TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
license checker for github action Dart License Checker # A script to show licences of dependencies...
linkr api Click here for Docs #
search me up search_me_up # Simple Search Ranking to make it easy to write ranked search...
route transitions pm Route Transitions # Custom route transitions. This package helps in handling transitions...
barcode scan javalite Base on I change from protobuf-lite to protobuf-javalite Version 1.0.0 require flutter...
cubix Cubix # A predictable state management library that based on BLoc library. Easy to use...
hydrated cubix hydrated_cubix # An extension to package:cubix which automatically persists and restores cubix state. Built...
maby dio dio网络库封装。 Features # download接口支持 upload接口支持 请求数据缓存支持 ...
plugins first demo test plugins # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
cod api This plugin allows Flutter apps to query the call of duty API. Usage #
flutter common widgets flutter_common_widgets # Ivylove Common Widgets Getting Started # This project is...
couchify couchify # Couchify is a Couchbase Lite API for Flutter developers. The objective is to...
flutter wni WNInterface for Flutter # Flutter WebView 에 WNInterface 기능을 추가해줍니다. class...
libgit2 A Dart FFI binding for libgit2 Features # ✅ get libgit2 version
bored bored # Unofficial API wrapper for the Bored API written in Dart :] API...
wechat qrcode wechat_qrcode # scan qrcode by wechat_qrcode lib. Getting Started # dependencies:...
boleto Features # Barcode conversion to digitable line; Billet info extraction from line;
awesome tile TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
wkwebview flutter wkwebview_flutter # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
eblox annotation eblox_annotation # This is a dependency of the eblox library.
eblox generator eblox_generator # This is the eblox library code generation tool
eblox EbloX # An easy Flutter state management library.It is similar to Bloc, but it uses...
synaptic transitions Synaptic transitions # EN:Simple package to make transitions between pages with animations ES:Paquete...
drs floating widget You can Drag, rotate and scale up-down of any widget by using this package.
routes transition jr Route Transactions # Este paquete ayuda a la navegación entre pantallas de manera...
camera capture camera_capture # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
draw page draw_page # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
via cep search fork via_cep_search_fork # Package para consulta de endereço via CEP Getting Started...
skynexui components SkynexUI: # Why "another component library"? # The focus of this library is...
winloading what is it # how to use #...
idkit gshared idkit_gshared # 1. Briefly This package is for global data sharing of Flutter...
flutter foreground task updated This plugin is used to implement a foreground service on the Android platform.
mock plugin mock_plugin # ...
viewer3d what is it # how to use # ...
deposit supabase deposit_supabase # Provides a Supabase adapter for the deposit package.
deposit firestore deposit_firestore # Provides a Firestore adapter for the deposit package.
custom route transition nio Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de rutas....
dinamico dart Support library for [Dinâmico]
uzu flavored markdown Flutter Markdown # A markdown renderer for Flutter. It...
auto test cli
flotus flotus # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
mobilepay flutter mobile_pay_flutter # A Flutter plugin for MobilePay AppSwitch. iOS # Follow the...
dart redis cluster key slot Redis Key Slot Calculator # A high performance Redis cluster key...
dart redis parser Redis Parser # A high performance Redis protocol parser for Dart. Supports...
dart redis connector Redis Connector # A base implementation of managing a connection to a Redis...
loginj what is it # how to use # ...
navigine sdk navigine_sdk # A flutter package to implement navigine indoor navigation Getting Started #
nxs swiper NXS SWIPER Swiper Table of Contents # Installing - How...
flutter custom otp text field TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential...
payment lib Payment Lib # Payment Lib package lets you add UI Template for Payment Method,...
ravy testing TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
finap datetime helper Finap Datetime Helper Features # Utility functions for Date Time Getting...
vxg playersdk VXG Player SDK for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the VXG Player...
quickpass yidun flutter temp 号码认证 # 直连三大运营商,一步校验手机号与当前 SIM 卡号一致性。优化注册/登录/支付等场景验证流程 平台支持(兼容性) #
clever stepper CleverStepper # Modified version of Stepper from material library with extra juices. Maintained by...
finap base theme Finap Base Theme Features # Implement base theme and override to create...
knt isolate TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
openapi schema generator openapi_schema_generator # An opiniated generator for OpenAPI definitions. It only works for...
knt isolate generator TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
signed json signed_json # An implementation to read signed jsons How to use it #
realtime ranking RealtimeRanking # Intoduction # Usage # Normal #
flutter generator Flutter Generator # Advanced dart/flutter dev tool for generating page, widget, model, repository, and...
teemo Teemo # Teemo is a dart library which provides an intuitive interface to the League...
custom route transition jacd Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transicion de rutas....
harperdb HarperDB # # A package for connecting Flutter with HarperDB. Its only...
flutter dhl amap flutter_dhl_amap # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
bruno fork bruno_fork # English 感谢 Bruno 的奉献,因为本人的项目使用的是 Flutter 1.22.6 环境(即非空安全的最后一个版本) 所以本人对 Bruno 做了适配...
riddhahttp RiddhaHttp is a http service over http package. Features # Easy http methods as...
repo pub server repo_pub_server # Builds a static pub server from the package you develop, enabling...
flutter probe flutter_probe # A new Flutter probe plugin. Getting Started # This project...
esplora dart-esplora # Blockstream Esplora wrapper for dart Getting...
oauth2 client celbux oauth2_client # Simple Flutter library for interacting with OAuth2 servers. It provides convenience...
saifu qr saifu_qr # A package that enables single to many QR code generation. You...
hello flutter world TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
fless alert fless_alert # A new way to create customizable alert dialogs in flutter. Installation...
hermes http A Flutter library to make Rest API clients more easily. Inspired by Java Feing....