source gen Overview # source_gen provides utilities for automated source code generation for Dart:
posthog flutter PostHog plugin # Flutter plugin to support iOS/macOS, Android and Web sources...
receive intent receive_intent # ...
animated list plus Animated List Plus # Resurrection of the discontinued implicitly_animated_reorderable_list Plugin. A Flutter...
stripe ios This is an implementation of the stripe_platform_interface package for iOS. Usage # With...
expansion tile group expansion_tile_group # Enhance your Flutter apps with this advanced ExpansionTile package! This package...
fl location fl_location # A plugin that can access the location services of each platform and...
cryptography flutter Overview # This is a Flutter plugin that enables to use...
progress state button Progress State Button # A customizable progress button for Flutter ...
go router builder Usage # Dependencies # To use go_router_builder, you need to have the...
flextras flextras # A collection of Columns and Rows with extra functionality: PaddedColumn...
win32 registry A package that provides a friendly Dart API for accessing the Windows Registry. This...
windows taskbar windows_taskbar # Flutter plugin serving utilities related to Windows taskbar. Installation #...
torch light torch_light # A simple Flutter plugin to manage the device torch /...
pdf image renderer pdf_image_renderer # Renders PDFs to bitmaps using native renderers. Usage...
input quantity Input Quantity #
marquee widget marquee_widget # A Flutter widget that scrolls Widget Text and other Widget with supported...
flutter flip card flutter_flip_card # A widget that does transition between two children in a flipping...
profanity filter profanity_filter # Simple Dart class to create filters with methods...
animated size and fade animated_size_and_fade # This allows you to: Do a fade...
numeral Numeral # A Dart library for Format number into beautiful string, Format the number...
cherry toast Cherry Toast # A new way to display...
ansicolor ANSI / Xterm 256 color library for Dart # Feel like you're missing some color...
curved labeled navigation bar curved_labeled_navigation_bar # pub package A Flutter package for easy implementation of...
yaru The official Flutter Yaru Theme and Widgets Suite # This repository and package...
firebase performance dio Description # Dio's Interceptor implementation that sends http request metric data to Firebase.
simple progress indicators Simple progress indicators package with solid colors and gradients. Can be used to show...
flutter acrylic flutter_acrylic Window acrylic, mica & transparency effects for Flutter on Windows, macOS & Linux
assets audio player web 🎧 assets_audio_player 🔊 # ...
geocoder2 geocoder2 # Easy forward and reverse geocodeing From google maps api make sure to...
gsheets Gsheets with Dart 📄 # A library for working with Google Sheets API v4....
stripe platform interface A common platform interface for the flutter_stripe plugin. The contract in this package...
sized context ✥ Sized Context - Easy responsive sizing # With this extension package you can...
native shared preferences Migration Shared Preferences # =========== This plugin is a copy...
barbecue barbecue # Render text tables for CLI-based dart applications.
This repository contains a number of ready-to-run example projects demonstrating various use cases of Prisma. Pick an example and follow...
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