skin for active admin.
Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables
SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.
Add page to your ActiveAdmin panel that allow execute raw SQL requests and show result in table
Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine
Flat design for activeadmin gem
ActiveAdmin and TheRole integration
A collection of small visual improvements to classic ActiveAdmin theme. This gem provides Sass files that you can include via...
Turn fields to a token autocomplete in active_admin
Translate your models in ActiveAdmin with Globalize3.
A activeamdin input for the Trix Editor -
An Active Admin plugin to use Trumbowyg Editor
An Active Admin plugin to use Ueditor Rich Text Editor
This provides some rake tasks to solve issues with activeadmin as used in production. Namely, that apps seem to go...
Customized BS4 active admin theme
This gem provides excel/xls downloads for resources in Active Admin.
A simple way to perform long running LLM background jobs and streaming responses
A toolkit for building queries like ActiveRelation. Rich support for more flexible merge conditions, states
A pack for building AI-backed routes and controllers, plus a collection of helpers for GPT3, DALLE, Whisper, Stable Diffusion and...
A utility for quering interface to any objects like ActiveRecord. This gem support for querying, association, enum, and relation.
An api layer for ruby
Application framework for Rails
Prevent database records from being destroyed.
Provide export / import to ActiveRecord
A Railtie that provides an asset management system for css, javascript, and sprites in your Rails applications and engines. ActiveAssets...
Rails Engine for MITRE ATT&CK
Create plain old Ruby models without reinventing the wheel.
An extension of the active_attr gem, adding Arrays and Hashes as valid attribute types. Create plain old ruby models without...
Your MaybeSQL to rule them all
Library for auditing record changes.
A pure Rails authentication solution. Inspired by devise, but with a pure Rails implementation.
Implementing pathfinding for Rails records
Allows handling batch of ActiveJobs
Simple beanstalk backend for Rails's ActiveJob.
ActiveResource resource base for the Giant Bomb API
Make ActiveRecord models bookable with availability rules, schedule etc.
Bootstrap skin for ActiveAdmin.
ActiveRecord integration with the MusicBrainz database
This gem makes it easy to generate breadcrumb trails in a Rails application.
The emphasis is on "structural" breadcrumbs, where...
Makes it simpler to integrate CableReady and StimulusReflex with ActiveRecord callbacks
ActiveRecord-inspired interface for HashCabinet, the file-basd key-object store.
Module for caching results of method invocations.
A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API
activecampaign 0.2.0 Simple and Pythonic ActiveCampaign API client Free software: BSD license
A basic API wrapper for active campaign
activecampaignpython 0.9.2 ## Installation You can install active-campaign-python from pypi pip install active-campaign-python ##...
See for more information
Simple Ruby REST wrapper for the ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign REST API
You can use active_cart as the basis of a shopping cart system. It's not a shopping cart application - it's...
You can use active-cart as the basis of a shopping cart system. It's definately not complete, you need to build...
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Charting toolset that integrates into ActiveRecord and ActionView for fast, easy business intelligence and data visualization on any Rails app....
Easily scope and order by timestamps in your ActiveRecord models.
activecollab ruby
All packages and code that is needed to glue them together for a typical PHP project
Configuration repository
TMDb API PHP Wrapper
A lazy-loading, Array-like collection proxy for ActiveRecord that understands conditions and paging.
Provides time line support and database migrations for Cassandra
ActiveCommand adds the ability to use the command pattern commonly seen in CQRS.
This gem provides a macro for comparing the column and the other column of the record. Type of the comparable...
Active Component introduces components into your Rails presentation layer.
The use of components improves consistency and development speed through reuse...
A View-Component framework for Rails applications.
Libray for build multi thread/process programs.
An extremely flexible configuration system.
s the ability for certain values to be "overridden" when conditions are met.
r example,...
activeconfigparser ActiveConfigParser The ActiveConfigParser package provides extended handling of .ini files beyond what ConfigParser...
ActiveConfiguration is an engine that exposes a generic settings store to
Store Rails validations as JSON to serve via api and drive complex validation logic.
Scope ActiveRecord connection to specifc PostgreSQL schemata on the fly.
Improvements and shortcuts for Rails console