Library to extract some content from an html Page
A scout DB fulltext-based driver that store index data in related tables
Lichess OAuth 2.0 support for the PHP League's OAuth 2.0 Client
Modestly opinionated PHPCS configuration
Aministrative interface builder for Laravel.
repository class management in laravel apps
A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP.
Web App Middleware Components
自製的Laravel Query Builder
自製的 Laravel Log 格式化
自製的Laravel DB 查詢 Log
Components to build and store services.
Coding standards for
Payme to'lov tizimi bilan integratsiya qilish uchun Yii2 framework-i uchun kengaytma
Awesomeness of Laravel merged with Beem flawless API to reap the magic!
toastr is a Javascript library for non-blocking notifications implemented as yii2 widget.
Symfony UploadDataBundle
A Laravel Nova custom field text with masks on input
TencentCloudApi php sdk dasb
A Flarum extension. Use chinese as slug in discussion URL. Base on PipecraftNet/flarum-ext-id-slug
A Media Manager Built With Vuejs & Laravel FOR V9
tiger api skeleton for tiger apps
Subscription management Laravel package
wanphp Slim
TencentCloudApi php sdk dbdc
Testing tool for psalm plugins
Provides base64_url_encode/base64_url_decode.
Support functions used throughout the Xibo Signage Platform
The travelling salesman problem asks the following question: "Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of...
Extends Backpack settings package to allow for categorization of settings, file/image uploads, custom entity names, and custom sort order
A simple and lightweight implementation of Data Transfer Objects (DTO) in Laravel with optional casting support.
A simple seo package for Statamic 3.
Phynix Media CMS Application Package
Complete Boilerplate for Laravel.
MvcCore - Extension - Translator - CSV - simple CSV translator implementation.
kaadon uploadfile for PHP
A development library to make creating things in wordpress a lot easier.
A Laravel Nova date range filter.
Automatically anonymize files uploaded via Statamic forms.
JSON-RPC interface to UnrealIRCd
A library to handle the message content and structure for the Opayo Pi (was Sage Pay Integration) payment gateway
Exception reporter for laravel
thinkphp6 log视图工具
Base controlador para templates
Silverstripe 5 module allowing you to proxy requests from your visitors to other servers
Instructs Composer to install hati config folder on project root directory.
Display additional panel in Gutenberg editor with guide
Manage your own workflows with filament
Yii2 generator
This modules provides Cyberwoven-specific configuration tweaks, and a collection of sub-modules to improve the usability and functionality of Drupal for...
Set of Convenient Tools
Preferences for Laravel Eloquent models
Iqual Whitepaper
Base Contact form package for laravel installs
Mail Templating Service
This is my package laravel-http-service
View and manage audit logs for models within your Winter CMS projects
Renders consistent HTTP JSON responses for API-based projects
TencentCloudApi php sdk dataintegration
Laravel extension for MailBlue API
Java Base
Large-scale sparse matrix factorization for PHP
Adds templates for bootstrap 5 forms
A Laravel Nova field.
Provides entity types and configuration for the photo gallery feature.
This is to integrate bigbluebuton api to laravel
A Laravel 9 Package for Flutterwave Rave
Magento 2 module use to support hyvä react checkout amazon pay integration
This package helps us to use Avanak services.
Proceso de una empresa
Common markdown renderer service.