TencentCloudApi php sdk tat
TencentCloudApi php sdk rce
A tool to detect Magic numbers in codebase
Travelling salesman problem implementation in PHP.
Symfony polyfill for intl's idn_to_ascii and idn_to_utf8 functions
The Google Web Toolkit RPC protocol server-side application, implemented in PHP. Strives to be a drop-in replacement.
Paystation driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
Chinese Pinyin Bundle For Laravel
Terminus plugin for syncing Drupal site configuration
Shell script for linting and validating Apache2 Htaccess files
AccessCounters for NetCommons Plugin
Various admin tweaks & enhancements
Send message via dingtalk robot
RBAC Auth manager for Yii2
Trait to simplify the validation of console input in Laravel commands
Time component of the Cultural Heritage Framework
PSR-3 wrapper to prefix all messages going into a logger
Beautiful and simple Implementation to integrate Vicidial API
Edit PHP, Twig, JS, CSS code from within the Pimcore admin page
Yii2 extension which based on yajra/laravel-pdo-via-oci8
Slack OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
Plain-simple array container implementation for PSR-11
Teamones ēØę·äøåæē»ä»¶
Framework for creating CRIS portals: Projects, Persons, Organizational Units, News, Events, and Media
variable parser
Apple OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
A generic, Twitter Bootsrap compatible, PHP pagination library that automatically generates navigation links
Seperate your project to modules , every module has all of its functionality to be seperated and reusable
Paginate based on last item, not pages.
Dynamic tokens for statically cached forms in Statamic v3
Alibaba Cloud antiddos-public (20170518) SDK Library for PHP
The framework brick of the Contao GIS-kit con4gis. Useful for developing frontend modules.
A PHP class for chartjs.org charts.
Alibaba Cloud Real-Time Communication (20180111) SDK Library for PHP
Alibaba Cloud video surveillance system (20181212) SDK Library for PHP
A PHP library acting as a wrapper for PHP's default session handling functions which stores data in a MySQL database,...
EasyOrderManager module for Thelia
Helps CMS Users navigate through tabs in Elemental CMS Interface by providing clickable links to switch tabs.
Yurtici Kargo entegrasyonu
Quanta Psr-15 utilities
Url generator library with adapter for Fast Route
This package provides a eaisy access to api data in the project by simply giving the method,url and parameters
Bounce Mail Handler
Elasticsearch enabled Eloquent models
Flogar Web Services
A lightweight and simple library that adds Laravel Mix's mix() function to your PHP project ļæ½ļæ½
Laravel Blade Components for Font Awesome
Doctrine ORM hydrators for Laminas
Rapid pagination for Laravel
EasyCustomerManager module for Thelia
Straightforward calendars, with events, for any templating system
Laravel Health Checker library is for server to send server health info to receiver server and be processed.
A simple library where I am going to put some useful statistical methods.
Bundle to get Google reviews easily
A class of JWT captcha based on thinkphp5
Lexoffice SDK for PHP
library is a common library attach to swoole extension, for everyone use it easily!
Cathaybk driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
NYX Helpers
PHP Client for the Teamleader API
Laravel Service Provider for the Google Ads Client OAuth2 Wrapper
File Manager for symfony
Libreria para el uso de la API de SMS masivos Argentina
Extend the TYPO3 schema extension with auto-related terms
Calculates the default value based on variable type, including fully-qualified classnames.
API-client for churchtools
Simple PHP client for Sperbank acquiring REST API
MenusPlugin for Cakephp
AƱade cromos a los perfiles de los usuarios
A Laravel Nova field.