icons component for Laravel
GLPI API Client Library for PHP
Laravel helper for FullCalendar.io. Fork of https://github.com/maddhatter/laravel-fullcalendar
Forma elegante e eficiente de formatar campos de data, hora e afins ao exibir, colocando somente um sufixo no nome...
An MVC framework for WordPress.
Flexible website crawler which stores the results in persistent storage
InterviewApp PHP Library
Codeception module to support codeigniter 2 projects
Container resolver implementation.
Supercharge Kirby's Writer field with new nodes, marks and features
auth package for thinkphp6
thinkphp6 captcha
A plugin for Pest to test Livewire forms.
A fork of PHP-Hooks, adapted to PoP - A fork of the WordPress filters hook system rolled in to a...
Olympus Poseidon Customizer is a framework used to enhance the default WordPress customizer with a bunch of components and an...
Implementation of the Root package for WordPress
Booting manager for creating PHP applications.
Get your yawave publications direct to your Typo3.
This is a courier api endpoints library for interacting such as e-courier, pathao, paperfly etc
Library added some useful tools like Validators, Convertors or Curl for SnugDesign
Service provider for helpers for Developer Diskominfo Kab. Badung
Laravel SSL Checker library is for system to check SSL health for target server.
A simple profile page for Filament.
Helper plugin for Laravel Mix in Craft CMS templates.
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project
Alibaba Cloud SpeechFileTranscriberLite (20211221) SDK Library for PHP
File storage engine used in Becklyn projects
A basic model library
An SDK tool class that collects cloud storage
Laravel package for local environment friendly managing of cloud-hosted images.
PHPAGI is a PHP class for the Asterisk Gateway Interface.
Cache Database Query results on Laravel Query Builder or Eloquent
Hobbii OAuth provider for Laravel Socialite
UI for cleverage/process-bundle
Yigim Magnet PHP & Laravel package
PHP client for the Bscscan API
Doctrine Data Fixtures for Laravel
This extension provides integration with bootstrap_package to output content from TYPO3 in JSON format.
Hubspot API for everyone
Generate Laravel services
A PHP SDK for PAB (https://studio-creativa.pl)
Preferences are configuration variables that are user-managed for which we cannot rely upon container parameters or environment variables.
Micro library with interface for sending post requests. Includes test doubles and adapters
Laravel SDK for PAB (https://studio-creativa.pl)
This extension enhances the EXT:headless json response with three customizable navigations.
PHP errors and exceptions handling
Object Oriented approach to building the different relative date/time formats that the strtotime(), DateTime and date_create() parser understands.
Code Climate integration with Drutiny.
General purpose message envelope contracts for higher level tools
Silverstripe module allowing to create and export newsletters to a sendy instance.
Package used to run a CMS inside a project
Laravel Admin Starter project dengan AdminLTE v3.
This extension adds a serialized JSON of the TYPO3 backend layout to the TYPO3 headless appearance key
PHP CS Fixer config
A Statamic fieldtype.
Converts one resource to another (XML, JSON, Object, Array, Serialization).
A simple Laravel 5/6/7/8/9 service provider for including the AWS SDK for PHP.
Automatically generate PHP Swagger comments from Laravel's Controller, Model, and form requests.
A library for interaction with Microsoft Store via its REST API
Opiniated and simple message broker interface along with a few implementations
Zahlartengebuehren im Bestellprozess nicht zeigen, wenn diese 0,00 betragen.
Artikelmengen per Klick im Warenkorb anpassen.
Notizen im Adminbereich anlegen.
Fix fuer den Attributfilter, Auswahl bleibt auch beim Seitenwechsel erhalten.
Matomo und Google Analytics Tracking inkl. Matomo-Dashboard im OXID-Admin.
Deaktiviert die Newsletteranmeldung im ganzen Shop.
Whirlwind framework PSR-15 oauth2 middleware
Work with json web tokens
WorkerMan and Laravel integration SDK
The Simpler Checkout button lets your customers complete their purchases in seconds, in any device or browser and without a...
A Laravel library to generate forms based on Laravel Collective Forms & HTML, Boostrap 5 CSS Framework, RichText editor, and...